NART: NAver RealTime keywords
foo@bar:~$ pip install --upgrade nart
from nart.nart import Nart
from nart.writer.builtins.csvwriter import CSVWriter
outrepos = [CSVWriter(path='/tmp/test.csv')]
nart = Nart(outrepos)
You can define custom outrepositories and datasources by using inheriting OutRepository and DataSource
usage: nart [-h] [-u TIMEUNIT] [-iv INTERVAL] [-csv CSVOUT] [-v] [-on]
NART needs arguments
optional arguments:
-u, --timeunit Input schedule time unit. (hour, min, or sec)
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-iv INTERVAL, --interval INTERVAL
Inverval time between collecting realtime keywords.
Timeunit is based on timeunit
-csv CSVOUT, --csvout CSVOUT
Set the csvfilepath, if you want to write csvfile
-v, --verbose Set the flag, if you want for results to be printed
-on, --startontime Set the flag, collecting data start on the hour or on
the min
For example
foo@bar:~$ nart -u hour -csv /tmp/test.csv -v -iv 1