A Haiku bot capable of generating haikus by extracting data from articles posted on Reddit. It submits the result in the form of a comment.
Running ReditBot.py will automate the whole process for you, but before you do that you will have to provide a reddit username & password. You can do this by either changing default values in configuration.py or pass them to RedditBot constructor as a dictionary like this:
redditBot = RedditBot({'reddit_submission_limit': 200,
'reddit_user_name': 'your_user_name_goes_here',
'reddit_password': 'your_password_goes_here',
The bot uses MongoDB to prevent resubmitting haikus that are already generated. It looks for the database in db/ folder, if you don't have mongod instance running, it will automatically start one for you.
python-goose 1.0.22 (Newer versions tend to cause problems)
MIT License