Deluge is a load testing tool for web applications, web APIs, IoT, or any TCP based application.
- It’s fast
- It's stupid simple
- No dependency hell, single binary made with go
- Rest API
- Pain-less, brain-less DSL
- Scales vertically and horizontally (in progress)
- Nice reporting (in progress)
# Starts a worker listening on the given port without orchestrator
$ deluge start worker --port=8080
# Runs the deluge on the given worker/orchestrator. Uses REST API behind the scene.
$ deluge run <filename containing deluge's scenario(s)> <output filename> --remote=
# Silently starts a worker, runs deluge, write report and shutdown worker. Uses REST API behind the scene.
$ deluge run <filename containing deluge's scenario(s)> <output filename>
# Starts an orchestrator listening on the given port
$ deluge start orchestrator --port=9090
# Starts a worker listening on the given port as a slave of the given orchestrator
$ deluge start worker --port=8080 --orchestrator=
The DSL consists of a simple, extremely-easy-to-learn language with native support for emiting requests with different protocols.
Scenarios are scripts executed at each iteration by each virtual user during the deluge. They are written in DelugeDSL.
Example of scenarios:
Simple scenario performing a single HTTP GET request.
scenario("some-id", "Some scenario", function () {
http("Some request", {
"url": "http://localhost:8080/hello/foo"
More complex scenario that uses session to store data between iterations.
scenario("product", "Test the product entity", function (args, session) {
let authenticate = function () {
let resAuth = http("Authentication", {
"url": "http://localhost:8080/oauth/token?log=1&b={\"access_token\":\"foooooooobar\"}",
"headers": {
"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
"body": urlParamsEncode({
"username": "admin",
"password": "admin",
"grant_type": "password"
// etc
assert(resAuth["status"] == 200);
let access_token = parseJson(resAuth["body"])["access_token"];
assert(len(access_token) > 0);
return access_token;
let baseUrl = "";
if (args["baseUrl"]) {
baseUrl = args["baseUrl"];
let httpCommonHeaders = {
"Accept": "application/json",
"Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate",
"Accept-Language": "fr,fr-fr;q=0.8,en-us",
"Connection": "keep-alive",
"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 etc."
let res1 = http("First unauthenticated request", {
"url": baseUrl + "/api/v1/account?s=401",
"headers": httpCommonHeaders
assert(res1["status"] == 401);
let access_token = session["access_token"];
if (access_token == null) {
access_token = authenticate();
session["access_token"] = access_token;
let res2 = http("Authenticated request", {
"url": baseUrl + "/api/v1/account",
"headers": merge(httpCommonHeaders, {
"Authorization": "Bearer " + access_token
assert(res2["status"] == 200);
for (let i=0; i < 2; i++) {
let res3 = http("Get all products", {
"url": baseUrl + "/api/v1/products",
"headers": merge(httpCommonHeaders, {
"Authorization": "Bearer " + access_token
assert(res3["status"] == 200);
let res4 = http("Create new product", {
"url": baseUrl + "/api/v1/products?s=201",
"method": "POST",
"headers": merge(httpCommonHeaders, {
"Authorization": "Bearer " + access_token
"body": toJson({
"ref": "SJ5"
// etc
assert(res4["status"] == 201);
Supported protocols to make some requests (out of the box) are:
- gRPC
Deluges are scripts written in DelugeDSL that describe which scenrio(s) should be run and their respective configuration.
deluge("some-deluge-id", "Some name", "5s", {
"some-scenario-id": {
"concurrent": 100,
"delay": "2s",
"args": {
"baseUrl": ""
- nice HTML report
- ability to distribute concurrent users of a scenario across multiple Deluge instances (ditributed workers)
- Docker image