gem5gpu source for HAShCache [1]
A fork of the popular gem5-gpu simulator
- Merges gem5 and gpgpu-sim
- Uses the gem5 memory hierarchy
- Adds hetergenous coherence protocols [2]
- This repo adds logic to use a HMC-like stacked DRAM as hardware managed, memory side DRAM cache (gem5/src/mem/, gem5/src/mem/, gem5/src/mem/dramcache_ctrl.hh)
- Adds metadata to Ruby's Abstract Controller to differentiate between requests originating from CPU and GPU by modifying the request packet (gem/src/mem/ruby/slicc_interface/
- Implements PrIS, ByE and Chaining mechanisms as in the paper (gem5/src/mem/
- Scripts to run workload mixes from the paper (regression/
- Several stability fixes throughout the code to run the heterogenous SPEC+Rodinia workload
[1] Adarsh Patil and Ramaswamy Govindarajan, HAShCache: Heterogeneity-Aware Shared DRAMCache for Integrated Heterogeneous Systems, ACM Trans. Archit. Code Optim. (TACO) 14, 4, Article 51, December 2017
[2] Jason Power et. al., Heterogeneous system co-herence for integrated cpu-gpu systems, MICRO-46, 2013