⚡ Please pay attention that in January Yeelight disabled some LAN features. This library like all similar will work only with the older version of the device firmware. In my case on the version, v2.0.6_0041 discovery doesn't work.
Right now I don't have information on when it will be back. You can find more information here https://forum.yeelight.com/t/topic/22664/127
Yeelight SDK writen on Golang. Package supports 90% (for now) off all features present in the official documentation.
go get github.com/oherych/yeelight
package main
import (
func main() {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 2*time.Second)
defer cancel()
devices, err := yeelight.Discovery(ctx)
if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, context.DeadlineExceeded) {
for _, device := range devices {
fmt.Printf("Device '%s' [ID:%s Version:%s]\n", device.Name, device.ID, device.FirmwareVersion)
fmt.Printf("Adress: %s\n", device.Location)
fmt.Printf("Power: %s\n", power(device.Power))
// create new client for work with device
client := yeelight.New(device.Location)
// read all properties
properties, err := client.GetProperties(context.Background(), []string{yeelight.PropertyPower, yeelight.PropertyColorMode, yeelight.PropertyBright})
if err != nil {
for name, value := range properties {
fmt.Println("> ", name, ":", value)
// change power to ON
err = client.Power(context.Background(), true, yeelight.PowerModeDefault, yeelight.EffectSudden, time.Second)
if err != nil {
func power(on bool) string {
if on {
return "ON"
return "OFF"
Device 'my_super' [ID:0x00000000157ef201 Version:20]
Power: OFF
> bright : 1
> power : on
> color_mode : 1
Unfortunately, I have only one device and I don't have it possible to test all features. I will be grateful for the help with testing and feedback. This is the main priority for the current period.
- Implement methods
- Implement updates listener