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**** Epoch 1.0.7 **** >> Download <<

deployAnything for Epoch


  1. Please, if you report issues can you please attach (on pastebin or similar) your CLIENT rpt log file as this helps find out the errors very quickly. To find this logfile:

    C:\users\<YOUR WINDOWS USERNAME>\AppData\Local\Arma 2 OA\ArmA2OA.RPT



Mission folder install

Find this line ```sqf initialized = true; ``` in your <code>init.sqf</code>:

Place this line directly above it in the init.sqf:

call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\deployAnything\init.sqf";
so it looks lie that:

call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\deployAnything\init.sqf";
initialized = true;

BattlEye filter install:

Battleye scripts.txt:

  1. In your config<yourServerName>\Battleye\scripts.txt around line 2: 5 addAction add this to the end of it:

    !="hIndex call getActionId) < 0) then {\n[_forEachIndex,player addaction[\"<t color='#33b5e5'>\" + format[\"Pack %1\",(_forEachIndex cal"

    So it will then look like this for example:

    5 addAction !="hIndex call getActionId) < 0) then {\n[_forEachIndex,player addaction[\"<t color='#33b5e5'>\" + format[\"Pack %1\",(_forEachIndex cal"
  2. In your config<yourServerName>\Battleye\scripts.txt around line 22: 1 compile add this to the end of it:

    !"call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers \"scripts\\deployAnything\\config.sqf"

    So it will then look like this for example:

    1 compile <CUT> !"call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers \"scripts\\deployAnything\\config.sqf"
  3. In your config<yourServerName>\Battleye\scripts.txt around line 40: 1 execVM add this to the end of it:

    !"execVM 'scripts\\deployAnything\\deploy.sqf';"

    So it will then look like this for example:

    1 execVM <CUT> !"execVM 'scripts\\deployAnything\\deploy.sqf';"
  4. In your config<yourServerName>\Battleye\scripts.txt around line 22: 1 compile add this to the end of it:

    !="turn = \"CfgMagazines\";\n};\n_return\n};\n\n\ngetActionId = {\ncall compile format[\"\n    if (isNil 'DZE_ACTION_DEPLOYABLE_PACK_%1') then"

    So it will then look like this for example:

    1 compile <CUT> !="turn = \"CfgMagazines\";\n};\n_return\n};\n\n\ngetActionId = {\ncall compile format[\"\n    if (isNil 'DZE_ACTION_DEPLOYABLE_PACK_%1') then"
  5. In your config<yourServerName>\Battleye\scripts.txt around line 2: 1 compile add this to the end of it:

    !="oopDone = true;\n_isAnimationCompleted = true;\n};\n{\nif (call compile (_x select 0)) exitWith {\n_exitWith = _x select 1;\n};\n} forE"

    So it will then look like this for example:

    1 compile !="oopDone = true;\n_isAnimationCompleted = true;\n};\n{\nif (call compile (_x select 0)) exitWith {\n_exitWith = _x select 1;\n};\n} forE"
  6. In your config<yourServerName>\Battleye\scripts.txt around line 47: 5 hint add this to the end of it:

    !="(_exitWith != \"nil\" && {_exitWith != \"admin\"}) exitWith {\ntaskHint [_exitWith, DZE_COLOR_DANGER, \"taskFailed\"];\n};\n\nDZE_DEPLOYIN"

    So it will then look like this for example:

    5 hint <CUT> !="(_exitWith != \"nil\" && {_exitWith != \"admin\"}) exitWith {\ntaskHint [_exitWith, DZE_COLOR_DANGER, \"taskFailed\"];\n};\n\nDZE_DEPLOYIN"
  7. In your config<yourServerName>\Battleye\scripts.txt around line 11: 5 attachTo add this to the end of it:

    !="OCKED\";\n_object setVariable[\"ObjectUID\",\"1\",true];\n\n_object attachTo [player,_offset];\n_object setDir _dir;\n_position = getPosAT"

    So it will then look like this for example:

    5 attachTo <CUT> !="OCKED\";\n_object setVariable[\"ObjectUID\",\"1\",true];\n\n_object attachTo [player,_offset];\n_object setDir _dir;\n_position = getPosAT"
  8. In your config<yourServerName>\Battleye\scripts.txt around line 18: 5 clearMagazineCargo add this to the end of it:

    !="etClearCargo) then {\nclearWeaponCargoGlobal _tmpbuilt;\nclearMagazineCargoGlobal _tmpbuilt;\n};\nif (_index call getDeployableClear"

    So it will then look like this for example:

    5 clearMagazineCargo !="etClearCargo) then {\nclearWeaponCargoGlobal _tmpbuilt;\nclearMagazineCargoGlobal _tmpbuilt;\n};\nif (_index call getDeployableClear"
  9. In your config<yourServerName>\Battleye\scripts.txt around line 19: 5 clearWeaponCargo add this to the end of it:

    !="_obj_Publish\";\n};\nif (_index call getClearCargo) then {\nclearWeaponCargoGlobal _tmpbuilt;\nclearMagazineCargoGlobal _tmpbuilt;\n};"

    So it will then look like this for example:

    5 clearWeaponCargo <CUT> !="_obj_Publish\";\n};\nif (_index call getClearCargo) then {\nclearWeaponCargoGlobal _tmpbuilt;\nclearMagazineCargoGlobal _tmpbuilt;\n};"
  10. In your config<yourServerName>\Battleye\scripts.txt around line 54: 1 nearestObject add this to the end of it:

    !="};\n};\ncase \"workshop\": {\n_distance = 3;\n_isNear = count (nearestObjects [player, [\"Wooden_shed_DZ\",\"WoodShack_DZ\",\"WorkBench_DZ\""

    So it will then look like this for example:

    1 nearestObject <CUT> !="};\n};\ncase \"workshop\": {\n_distance = 3;\n_isNear = count (nearestObjects [player, [\"Wooden_shed_DZ\",\"WoodShack_DZ\",\"WorkBench_DZ\""
  11. In your config<yourServerName>\Battleye\scripts.txt around line 55: 1 nearObjects add this to the end of it:

    !="ance = 3;\n_isNear = {inflamed _x} count (getPosATL player nearObjects _distance);\nif (_isNear == 0) then {\n_abort = true;\n_reaso"

    So it will then look like this for example:

    1 nearObjects <CUT> !="ance = 3;\n_isNear = {inflamed _x} count (getPosATL player nearObjects _distance);\nif (_isNear == 0) then {\n_abort = true;\n_reaso"
  12. In your config<yourServerName>\Battleye\scripts.txt around line 80: 5 setVehicle add this to the end of it:

    !="cle [_classname, _location, [], 0, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"];\n_object setVehicleLock \"LOCKED\";\n_object setVariable[\"ObjectUID\",\"1\",true];\n\n"

    So it will then look like this for example:

    5 setVehicle !="cle [_classname, _location, [], 0, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"];\n_object setVehicleLock \"LOCKED\";\n_object setVariable[\"ObjectUID\",\"1\",true];\n\n"
  13. In your config<yourServerName>\Battleye\scripts.txt around line 84: 1 systemChat add this to the end of it:

    !=";\n\nif (_havePad) exitWith {\ndayz_actionInProgress = false;\nsystemChat \"You already have a heli pad!\";\n};\n\n_missing = \"\";\n_hasreq"

    So it will then look like this for example:

    1 systemChat <CUT> !=";\n\nif (_havePad) exitWith {\ndayz_actionInProgress = false;\nsystemChat \"You already have a heli pad!\";\n};\n\n_missing = \"\";\n_hasreq"
  14. In your config<yourServerName>\Battleye\scripts.txt around line 4: 5 addMagazine add this to the end of it:

    !="sClass(configFile >> \"CfgMagazines\" >> _x)) then {\nplayer addMagazine _x;\n};\n} forEach (_deployable call getDeployableParts);\n\ni"

    So it will then look like this for example:

    5 addMagazine <CUT> !="sClass(configFile >> \"CfgMagazines\" >> _x)) then {\nplayer addMagazine _x;\n};\n} forEach (_deployable call getDeployableParts);\n\ni"
  15. In your config<yourServerName>\Battleye\scripts.txt around line 5: 5 addWeapon add this to the end of it:

    !=" (isClass(configFile >> \"CfgWeapons\" >> _x)) then {\nplayer addWeapon _x;\n};\nif (isClass(configFile >> \"CfgMagazines\" >> _x)) the"

    So it will then look like this for example:

    5 addWeapon <CUT> !=" (isClass(configFile >> \"CfgWeapons\" >> _x)) then {\nplayer addWeapon _x;\n};\nif (isClass(configFile >> \"CfgMagazines\" >> _x)) the"
  16. In your config<yourServerName>\Battleye\scripts.txt around line 47: 5 hint add this to the end of it:

    !="(_exitWith != \"nil\" && {_exitWith != \"admin\"}) exitWith {\ntaskHint [_exitWith, DZE_COLOR_DANGER, \"taskFailed\"];\n};\n\n_cursorTarge"

    So it will then look like this for example:

    5 hint <CUT> !="(_exitWith != \"nil\" && {_exitWith != \"admin\"}) exitWith {\ntaskHint [_exitWith, DZE_COLOR_DANGER, \"taskFailed\"];\n};\n\n_cursorTarge"

Battleye createvehicle.txt:

  1. In your config<yourServerName>\Battleye\createvehicle.txt around line 2 find: 5 !(^DZ_|^z_|^pz_|^WeaponHolder|Box|dog|PZombie_VB|^Smoke|^Chem|^._40mm|_DZ$|^Trap) add this to the end of the line:


    So it will then look like this for example:

    5 !(^DZ_|^z_|^pz_|^WeaponHolder|Box|dog|PZombie_VB|^Smoke|^Chem|^._40mm|_DZ$|^Trap) <CUT> !=Example_Building

    You have to add every vehicle or buildable you want to build with Deploy Anything. Keep in mind Example_Building is only an example, you have to take the acutal classname of the building.

Old Releases:

**** Epoch 1.0.7 **** >> Download <<

**** Epoch **** >> Download <<