**** Epoch 1.0.7 **** >> Download <<
Please, if you report issues can you please attach (on pastebin or similar) your CLIENT rpt log file as this helps find out the errors very quickly. To find this logfile:
C:\users\<YOUR WINDOWS USERNAME>\AppData\Local\Arma 2 OA\ArmA2OA.RPT
Find this line ```sqf initialized = true; ``` in your <code>init.sqf</code>:
Place this line directly above it in the init.sqf:
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\deployAnything\init.sqf";
so it looks lie that:
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\deployAnything\init.sqf";
initialized = true;
Battleye scripts.txt:
In your config<yourServerName>\Battleye\scripts.txt around line 2:
5 addAction
add this to the end of it:!="hIndex call getActionId) < 0) then {\n[_forEachIndex,player addaction[\"<t color='#33b5e5'>\" + format[\"Pack %1\",(_forEachIndex cal"
So it will then look like this for example:
5 addAction !="hIndex call getActionId) < 0) then {\n[_forEachIndex,player addaction[\"<t color='#33b5e5'>\" + format[\"Pack %1\",(_forEachIndex cal"
In your config<yourServerName>\Battleye\scripts.txt around line 22:
1 compile
add this to the end of it:!"call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers \"scripts\\deployAnything\\config.sqf"
So it will then look like this for example:
1 compile <CUT> !"call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers \"scripts\\deployAnything\\config.sqf"
In your config<yourServerName>\Battleye\scripts.txt around line 40:
1 execVM
add this to the end of it:!"execVM 'scripts\\deployAnything\\deploy.sqf';"
So it will then look like this for example:
1 execVM <CUT> !"execVM 'scripts\\deployAnything\\deploy.sqf';"
In your config<yourServerName>\Battleye\scripts.txt around line 22:
1 compile
add this to the end of it:!="turn = \"CfgMagazines\";\n};\n_return\n};\n\n\ngetActionId = {\ncall compile format[\"\n if (isNil 'DZE_ACTION_DEPLOYABLE_PACK_%1') then"
So it will then look like this for example:
1 compile <CUT> !="turn = \"CfgMagazines\";\n};\n_return\n};\n\n\ngetActionId = {\ncall compile format[\"\n if (isNil 'DZE_ACTION_DEPLOYABLE_PACK_%1') then"
In your config<yourServerName>\Battleye\scripts.txt around line 2:
1 compile
add this to the end of it:!="oopDone = true;\n_isAnimationCompleted = true;\n};\n{\nif (call compile (_x select 0)) exitWith {\n_exitWith = _x select 1;\n};\n} forE"
So it will then look like this for example:
1 compile !="oopDone = true;\n_isAnimationCompleted = true;\n};\n{\nif (call compile (_x select 0)) exitWith {\n_exitWith = _x select 1;\n};\n} forE"
In your config<yourServerName>\Battleye\scripts.txt around line 47:
5 hint
add this to the end of it:!="(_exitWith != \"nil\" && {_exitWith != \"admin\"}) exitWith {\ntaskHint [_exitWith, DZE_COLOR_DANGER, \"taskFailed\"];\n};\n\nDZE_DEPLOYIN"
So it will then look like this for example:
5 hint <CUT> !="(_exitWith != \"nil\" && {_exitWith != \"admin\"}) exitWith {\ntaskHint [_exitWith, DZE_COLOR_DANGER, \"taskFailed\"];\n};\n\nDZE_DEPLOYIN"
In your config<yourServerName>\Battleye\scripts.txt around line 11:
5 attachTo
add this to the end of it:!="OCKED\";\n_object setVariable[\"ObjectUID\",\"1\",true];\n\n_object attachTo [player,_offset];\n_object setDir _dir;\n_position = getPosAT"
So it will then look like this for example:
5 attachTo <CUT> !="OCKED\";\n_object setVariable[\"ObjectUID\",\"1\",true];\n\n_object attachTo [player,_offset];\n_object setDir _dir;\n_position = getPosAT"
In your config<yourServerName>\Battleye\scripts.txt around line 18:
5 clearMagazineCargo
add this to the end of it:!="etClearCargo) then {\nclearWeaponCargoGlobal _tmpbuilt;\nclearMagazineCargoGlobal _tmpbuilt;\n};\nif (_index call getDeployableClear"
So it will then look like this for example:
5 clearMagazineCargo !="etClearCargo) then {\nclearWeaponCargoGlobal _tmpbuilt;\nclearMagazineCargoGlobal _tmpbuilt;\n};\nif (_index call getDeployableClear"
In your config<yourServerName>\Battleye\scripts.txt around line 19:
5 clearWeaponCargo
add this to the end of it:!="_obj_Publish\";\n};\nif (_index call getClearCargo) then {\nclearWeaponCargoGlobal _tmpbuilt;\nclearMagazineCargoGlobal _tmpbuilt;\n};"
So it will then look like this for example:
5 clearWeaponCargo <CUT> !="_obj_Publish\";\n};\nif (_index call getClearCargo) then {\nclearWeaponCargoGlobal _tmpbuilt;\nclearMagazineCargoGlobal _tmpbuilt;\n};"
In your config<yourServerName>\Battleye\scripts.txt around line 54:
1 nearestObject
add this to the end of it:!="};\n};\ncase \"workshop\": {\n_distance = 3;\n_isNear = count (nearestObjects [player, [\"Wooden_shed_DZ\",\"WoodShack_DZ\",\"WorkBench_DZ\""
So it will then look like this for example:
1 nearestObject <CUT> !="};\n};\ncase \"workshop\": {\n_distance = 3;\n_isNear = count (nearestObjects [player, [\"Wooden_shed_DZ\",\"WoodShack_DZ\",\"WorkBench_DZ\""
In your config<yourServerName>\Battleye\scripts.txt around line 55:
1 nearObjects
add this to the end of it:!="ance = 3;\n_isNear = {inflamed _x} count (getPosATL player nearObjects _distance);\nif (_isNear == 0) then {\n_abort = true;\n_reaso"
So it will then look like this for example:
1 nearObjects <CUT> !="ance = 3;\n_isNear = {inflamed _x} count (getPosATL player nearObjects _distance);\nif (_isNear == 0) then {\n_abort = true;\n_reaso"
In your config<yourServerName>\Battleye\scripts.txt around line 80:
5 setVehicle
add this to the end of it:!="cle [_classname, _location, [], 0, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"];\n_object setVehicleLock \"LOCKED\";\n_object setVariable[\"ObjectUID\",\"1\",true];\n\n"
So it will then look like this for example:
5 setVehicle !="cle [_classname, _location, [], 0, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"];\n_object setVehicleLock \"LOCKED\";\n_object setVariable[\"ObjectUID\",\"1\",true];\n\n"
In your config<yourServerName>\Battleye\scripts.txt around line 84:
1 systemChat
add this to the end of it:!=";\n\nif (_havePad) exitWith {\ndayz_actionInProgress = false;\nsystemChat \"You already have a heli pad!\";\n};\n\n_missing = \"\";\n_hasreq"
So it will then look like this for example:
1 systemChat <CUT> !=";\n\nif (_havePad) exitWith {\ndayz_actionInProgress = false;\nsystemChat \"You already have a heli pad!\";\n};\n\n_missing = \"\";\n_hasreq"
In your config<yourServerName>\Battleye\scripts.txt around line 4:
5 addMagazine
add this to the end of it:!="sClass(configFile >> \"CfgMagazines\" >> _x)) then {\nplayer addMagazine _x;\n};\n} forEach (_deployable call getDeployableParts);\n\ni"
So it will then look like this for example:
5 addMagazine <CUT> !="sClass(configFile >> \"CfgMagazines\" >> _x)) then {\nplayer addMagazine _x;\n};\n} forEach (_deployable call getDeployableParts);\n\ni"
In your config<yourServerName>\Battleye\scripts.txt around line 5:
5 addWeapon
add this to the end of it:!=" (isClass(configFile >> \"CfgWeapons\" >> _x)) then {\nplayer addWeapon _x;\n};\nif (isClass(configFile >> \"CfgMagazines\" >> _x)) the"
So it will then look like this for example:
5 addWeapon <CUT> !=" (isClass(configFile >> \"CfgWeapons\" >> _x)) then {\nplayer addWeapon _x;\n};\nif (isClass(configFile >> \"CfgMagazines\" >> _x)) the"
In your config<yourServerName>\Battleye\scripts.txt around line 47:
5 hint
add this to the end of it:!="(_exitWith != \"nil\" && {_exitWith != \"admin\"}) exitWith {\ntaskHint [_exitWith, DZE_COLOR_DANGER, \"taskFailed\"];\n};\n\n_cursorTarge"
So it will then look like this for example:
5 hint <CUT> !="(_exitWith != \"nil\" && {_exitWith != \"admin\"}) exitWith {\ntaskHint [_exitWith, DZE_COLOR_DANGER, \"taskFailed\"];\n};\n\n_cursorTarge"
Battleye createvehicle.txt:
In your config<yourServerName>\Battleye\createvehicle.txt around line 2 find:
5 !(^DZ_|^z_|^pz_|^WeaponHolder|Box|dog|PZombie_VB|^Smoke|^Chem|^._40mm|_DZ$|^Trap)
add this to the end of the line:!=Example_Building
So it will then look like this for example:
5 !(^DZ_|^z_|^pz_|^WeaponHolder|Box|dog|PZombie_VB|^Smoke|^Chem|^._40mm|_DZ$|^Trap) <CUT> !=Example_Building
You have to add every vehicle or buildable you want to build with Deploy Anything. Keep in mind Example_Building is only an example, you have to take the acutal classname of the building.
**** Epoch 1.0.7 **** >> Download <<
**** Epoch **** >> Download <<