This project is an operating system kernel implemented as the compiler for a custom dialect of Lisp.
To build the executable:
To clean build files:
make clean
The generated binary for the OS is written to the file bin/kImage.
This is a multiboot compatible binary, and can be loaded on via the grub bootloader, or can be run inside of qemu using the command:
make bin/kImage
qemu-system-i386 -m size=10 -kernel bin/kImage
- This file
- license.txt: GPL
- lsk-mode.el: Emaacs Lisp script defining a mode for Losak files
- docs/ Specifies the programming language used
- docs/ Provides more background on the project
- docs/Operating System as a Original concept behind the project
- src/ The lisp to C compiler
- src/codegen.lsk: The final pass of the compiler, which generates the C code
- src/cps-transform.lsk: Compiler pass that implements a CPS transformation
- src/desugar.lsk: The first pass of the compiler, which removes syntactic sugar
- src/lambda-lift.lsk: Compiler pass that performs lambda lifting
- src/multitask.lsk: Compiler pass that implements multitasking
- src/symbol-table.lsk: Compiler pass that adds run time symbol support
- src/standard-library.lsk: Compiler pass that adds standard library support
- samples/* : Sample Losak programs
- samples/kernel.lsk: Simple OS written in Losak
- port/*: Generated C output of compiling the lisp compiler.
- Script that bootstraps the compiler. This requires having GCC installed
- Makefile: Specifies the build process
- include/boot.S: Assembly language code to boot the OS
- include/console.*: Provides console I/O
- include/io.*: General purpose I/O
- include/mem.*: Memory management
- include/multiboot.h: Access to multiboot data