A toy raytracer written in Go, based on https://raytracing.github.io/books/RayTracingInOneWeekend.html
A raytracer was on my programming bucket list for a long time, finally got around to making one. I picked Go because I wanted to learn it for a while and also because it has a built-in concurrency model, perfect for big computations. I'm pretty happy with the results, even though it is painfully slow for anything with more than a couple of triangles.
Run go run *.go
or go build
and then run the binary ./raytracer
- unidirectional path tracing
- spheres and triangles as primitives
- diffuse, glossy, refractive and emissive materials
- positionable camera with depth of field
- very basic
parsing, supports triangulated meshes only
- performance improvements:
- bounding volume hiearchies
- light sampling or bidirectional path tracing