This repo combines two 4th semester exam projects from spring 2021. Projects from two courses at NTNU Ålesund, "Application Development" (IDATA2306, "AppDev") and "Web Technology" (IDATA2301, "WebTek"), are combined.
The goal of the AppDev project was to implement the backend for a web shop. The requirement was to support a typical online shopping process, from the user entering the shop webpage, to final order generation through some form of UI. The fulfilment of this included:
- A REST API and item/warehouse DB
- A rudimentary login system
- A rudimentary user administration system
- User session handling (shopping cart management)
- A simplified mock payment system.
The goal of the WebTek project was to design a dynamic web site, the exact details of which were left open. The requirements were that the final product fulfilled certain conditions. It should:
- Be a dynamic frontend/web application.
- Fetch data from an external API.
- Support basic CRUD operations (if possible).
- Be a "meaningful" product, i.e. something functional, with "a story behind the concept".
- Have a focus on accessibility and user privacy.
- Utilise some form of Javascript UI framework (React, Vue, Svelte...)
Our chosen goal became to implement the frontend for a web shop in React. As these requirements fit well with the functionality required by the AppDev project, it was logical to combine the two projects. This approach was also recommended by the course lecturers, Girts Strazdins, PhD (IDATA2301) and Di Wu (IDATA2306)