TBDeveloped is an open source platform that allows dreamers/developers to connect with other developers. https://tbdeveloped1.herokuapp.com/#/
You're someone with an idea that you know for sure will take off, or maybe you're a developer with a problem that you are stuck on. In both instances you are looking for someone who can help you out and with:
- Bulletin Board: Users can post project ideas and request
- Real-time communications: Allowing users to communicate through video chat and/or messaging.
TBDeveloped can make this possible!
- Users can post questions or business ideas for people to respond to.
- User can have discussions with any question responder via real-time messasing.
- In each question show page, developers can respond to these as well as set up a consultation date to further discuss.
- Users can interact via video chat
- User profile image
- Notifications
- Multi video chat
- Multi messasing chat, simultaneously
- User authorization: sign up and log in
- Video chat
- Bulletin Board
- Messaging
- Reviews
- Production README
- Whiteboard
- Screen Sharing
- Mobile Website
The backend will be entirely platform agnostic with the exception of potential performance optimizations per platform. The separation of the back and front allows for either to be modified, built, updated, or swapped out entirely with minimal impact to the other.
The data will be visualized in a Web application using the D3 library. The visualization will take the form of linked circles. The Web app will also provide search capability
Utilizing socket.io & peer.js libraries to create peer to peer connections through video chat and messaging.
Our server will be listening for incoming connections and will establish a connection between clients through the WebSocket handshake when a request is made by a client.
We will be managing real-time display of changes by processing information from the upstream and downstream communications between our server and the clients.
Oliver Lopez, Shane Sharareh, Thomas Cheung, William Leung