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Convert LiDAR scans to Point Cloud

Kawin Nikomborirak edited this page May 8, 2018 · 8 revisions


In order to view large amounts of laser data in context, it is necessary to concatenate the scans into a point cloud. ROS has tools to do this.

Running ROS Bags

roslaunch gravl laser_to_pc.launch
rosbag play 180424test1.bag --clock 


  • TheConstructSim ROS Q&A page (link)
  • laser_assembler ROS package (link)
  • ROS Answers rosbag play (link)
  • Python PointCloud2 library (link)
  • PCL (seems like opencv but for point clouds) link
  • PCL with ros link


  1. Running roslaunch file roslaunch gravl localization.launch returns error:
ERROR: cannot launch node of type [gravl/]: can't locate node [] in package [gravl]

Answer: (link)

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