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Oliver Salzburg edited this page Mar 14, 2013 · 3 revisions


The main purpose of is to allow for quick up-/downgrades of your TYPO3 core.


$ ./ --help
  Usage: ./ [OPTIONS]

  --help              Display this help and exit.
  --verbose           Display more detailed messages.
  --quiet             Do not display anything.
  --force             Perform actions that would otherwise abort the script.
  --update            Tries to update the script to the latest version.
  --update-check      Checks if a newer version of the script is available.
  --export-config     Prints the default configuration of this script.
  --extract-config    Extracts configuration parameters from TYPO3.
  --base=PATH         The name of the base path where TYPO3 is
                      installed. If no base is supplied, "typo3" is used.

  --version=VERSION   The version to switch to.
  --store=PATH        Where your TYPO3 packages are stored


For general information regarding the configuration of scripts in the typo3scripts suite, please see the article about Configuration.

Command Line Parameters

  • --help

    Prints the output seen above, giving an overview of available command line parameters.

  • --verbose

    Enable verbose (more detailed) output.

  • --quiet

    Reduced verbosity (less detailed) output.

  • --force

    Perform actions that would otherwise stop execution.

  • --update

    Invokes the self-updating mechanism in this script. This will download the latest release version from the official source code repository and replace your current script.

    Note: To perform a quick check if a new version is available, run with the --update-check parameter. If a new version is found online, the following message will be printed to the standard output:

    NOTE: New version available!

    In previous versions, this check would be performed every time you run the script.

  • --export-config

    Print the default configuration of the script to the standard output.

    This allows for easy generation of a default config file, like so:

      $ ./ --export-config > typo3scripts.conf
  • --extract-config

    Tries to read the database-related parameters out of the TYPO3 configuration file.

    This allows for easy generation of a base config file for other typo3scripts after you have completed your TYPO3 installation.

      $ ./ --extract-config > typo3scripts.conf

    In case you're using a non-default TYPO3 installation directory, make sure to supply the --base parameter before the --extract-config parameter.

      $ ./ --base=myt3site --extract-config > typo3scripts.conf

    Note: This functionality is currently not compatible with TYPO3 6.0 configuration file format.

  • --base / BASE

    By default, it is assumed that the TYPO3 installation is located in a sub-folder relative to the current working directory, named typo3. Use --base if the installation is placed in a differently named sub-folder.

      $ ./ --base=myt3site 4.7.7
  • --version / VERSION

    The version of TYPO3 we should switch to.

  • --store / STORE

    The path where TYPO3 packages should be stored. By default, downloaded TYPO3 packages are placed inside the BASE directory. However, you can define a separate directory where all packages should be placed. This allows you to share the packages between multiple TYPO3 installations.

      $ ./ --store=../typo3 4.7.7



/var/www$ cd t3site/
/var/www/t3site$ wget
/var/www/t3site$ chmod 700

Switching to a different version

/var/www/t3site$ ./ 4.6.3
Sourcing script configuration from typo3scripts.conf...Done.
Checking dependencies...Succeeded.
Looking for TYPO3 source package at typo3/typo3_src-4.6.3/...NOT found! Downloading.
Extracting source package typo3/typo3_src-4.6.3.tar.gz...Done.
Switching TYPO3 source symlink to typo3/typo3_src-4.6.3/...Done.
Checking if index.php needs to be updated...Done.
Deleting temp_CACHED_* files from typo3conf...Done!
Version switched to 4.6.3.

This example assumes that you previously created a configuration file typo3scripts.conf to share between scripts. Please see the article about Configuration for more information.