Multisend is a tool built to allow users to conveniently send assets to a large number of assets quickly and efficiently.
The Flipside Finance/Operations team sends out hundreds of payments on a number of different chains (Ethereum, Terra, Solana, Algorand) each week to users that complete the our bounties.
This tool currently supports payments on Solana; we'll add Terra capabilities in the near-term.
- Initial test cases.
- Add Terra native currency functionality.
- Optionally accepting a keyfile instead of a seed phrase.
- Add Terra CW-20 tokens functionality.
multisend [OPTIONS] -p <path> <SUBCOMMAND>
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
-c <chain> Chain to send transaction on: [solana]
-n <network> Network to send tx on: [mainnet-beta, testnet, devnet, localhost]
-p <path> Path for the transactions file.
broadcast-transaction Send configured transaction
help Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
validate Verifies sender/receipiant amts. match and contains valid addresses.
- Expected JSON format
"recipients": [
"address": "{}",
"amount": 0.09,
"coin": "SOL"
"address": "{}",
"amount": 0.04,
"coin": "SOL"
"senders": [
"address": "{}",
"amount": 0.13,
"coin": "SOL"
./multisend -p {path} validate
to ensure json is valid, amounts are correct, and all addresses are valid../multisend -p {} -n {mainnet} broadcast-transaction
to execute the transaction.