英文 | ä¸ć–‡
Welcome to igo, igo is a good helper, can generate UUID, beautify JSON, convert timestamp, encryption and decryption, etc. No need to copy manually, the generated content will be placed in the clipboard. For more functions, please see the help.
By the way, it will be more convenient to use Igo through Igo Agent.
igo [flags]
igo [command]
Available Commands:
clear clear screen
codec A collection of encryption and decryption tools
date transfer timestamp to date
help Help about any command
json beautify json
memo memo [WIP]
sql Memo function designed for SQL
uuid generate uuid
--config string config file (default is $HOME/.igo.yaml)
-h, --help help for igo
-i, --interactive interactively execute commands
-q, --quit quit interactive mode
-v, --version print the version of igo
Use "igo [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Igo supports two modes, interactive and non-interactive. In the first mode, you do not need to enter the root command igo.
Tip: put Igo in the system variable $PATH for a better experience
# Input in the terminal
igo -i
# result
You can generate uuid string like this:
# Non-interactive
igo uuid
igo uuid -n 3
# Interactive
igo> uuid
igo> uuid -n 3
After this, the content already in the clipboard.
JSON is widely used. We often need to beautify JSON in our daily work so that we can clearly see the relevant information. Here also provides the ability to compress JSON
# Non-interactive:
## beautify
igo json
## compress
igo json -u
# Interactive:
## beautify
## compress
igo>json -u
After this, you can input your json string, and append semicolon(;) in the end, press the Enter, wonderful thing will happen.
# Example
"qenoap": -844276330,
"iokgphia": true,
"fhabfiw": 1681064845.6926622,
"zwdskzh": "xct",
"xgvzsgbfo": -1079466053.3847966
"qenoap": -844276330,
"iokgphia": true,
"fhabfiw": 1681064845.6926622,
"zwdskzh": "xct",
"xgvzsgbfo": -1079466053.3847966
We can't directly see the date represented by the timestamp. The date command is used to convert the timestamp. It supports second and millisecond timestamps
# Non-interactive:
igo date 1639238044
2021-12-11 23:54:04 +0800 CST
igo date 1639188919040
2021-12-11 10:15:19.04 +0800 CST
# Interactive:
igo>date 1639238044
2021-12-11 23:54:04 +0800 CST
igo>date 1639188919040
2021-12-11 10:15:19.04 +0800 CST
A collection of encryption and decryption tools, including MD5/HmacMD5, Base64, SHA1/HmacSHA1, SHA256/HmacSHA256, SHA512/HmacSHA512, AES, etc.
igo codec [command]
Available Commands:
aes Generate aes ciphertext, decrypt aes ciphertext
base64 Generate base64 ciphertext, decrypt base64 ciphertext
md5 Generate MD5/HmacMD5 ciphertext
sha1 Generate SHA1/HmacSHA1 ciphertext
sha256 Generate SHA256/HmacSHA256 ciphertext
sha512 Generate SHA512/HmacSHA512 ciphertext
-h, --help help for codec
Global Flags:
--config string config file (default is $HOME/.igo.yaml)
Use "igo codec [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Generate aes ciphertext, decrypt aes ciphertext, use flag (-d/--decrypt) to decrypt. It should be noted that, length of the key should be in (16,24,32), the default value is not recommended.
# Non-interactive:
igo codec aes oneisx
igo codec aes uZERhkcVewZ7S1j1co+QSkKdvf/52DqkDXgAcJktido= -d
igo codec aes oneisx -k 52DqkDXgAcJktido (Recommend custom key)
igo codec aes OYA/OY1bj6J1wRywYYCIwMC9oW8RqoByngxsBUlGhuw= -dk 52DqkDXgAcJktido (Recommend custom key)
# Interactive:
igo>codec aes oneisx
igo>codec aes -d uZERhkcVewZ7S1j1co+QSkKdvf/52DqkDXgAcJktido= -d
igo>codec aes oneisx -k 52DqkDXgAcJktido (Recommend custom key)
igo>codec aes OYA/OY1bj6J1wRywYYCIwMC9oW8RqoByngxsBUlGhuw= -dk 52DqkDXgAcJktido (Recommend custom key)
Generate base64 ciphertext, decrypt base64 ciphertext, use flag (-d/--decrypt) to decrypt
# Non-interactive:
igo codec base64 oneisx
igo codec base64 -d b25laXN4
# Interactive:
igo>codec base64 oneisx
igo>codec base64 -d b25laXN4
Generate MD5/HmacMD5 ciphertext, Generate HmacMD5 ciphertext by flag(-k/--key)
# Non-interactive:
## MD5
igo codec md5 oneisx
## HmacMD5
igo codec md5 oneisx -k thanks
igo codec md5 oneisx --key thanks
# Interactive:
## MD5
igo>codec md5 oneisx
## HmacMD5
igo>codec md5 oneisx -k thanks
igo>codec md5 oneisx --key thanks
Generate SHA1/HmacSHA1 ciphertext, Generate HmacSHA1 ciphertext by flag(-k/--key)
# Non-interactive:
## SHA1
igo codec sha1 oneisx
## HmacSHA1
igo codec sha1 oneisx -k thanks
igo codec sha1 oneisx --key thanks
# Interactive:
## SHA1
igo>codec sha1 oneisx
## HmacSHA1
igo>codec sha1 oneisx -k thanks
igo>codec sha1 oneisx --key thanks
Generate SHA256/HmacSHA256 ciphertext, Generate HmacSHA256 ciphertext by flag(-k/--key)
# Non-interactive:
## SHA256
igo codec sha256 oneisx
## HmacSHA256
igo codec sha256 oneisx -k thanks
igo codec sha256 oneisx --key thanks
# Interactive:
## SHA256
igo>codec sha256 oneisx
## HmacSHA256
igo>codec sha256 oneisx -k thanks
igo>codec sha256 oneisx --key thanks
Generate SHA512/HmacSHA512 ciphertext, Generate HmacSHA512 ciphertext by flag(-k/--key)
# Non-interactive:
## SHA512
igo codec sha512 oneisx
## HmacSHA512
igo codec sha512 oneisx -k thanks
igo codec sha512 oneisx --key thanks
# Interactive:
## SHA512
igo>codec sha512 oneisx
## HmacSHA512
igo>codec sha512 oneisx -k thanks
igo>codec sha512 oneisx --key thanks
If you have many SQL statements to record, this command will help you record it, retrieve and copy it quickly.
Memo function designed for SQL
igo sql [flags]
-a, --add string add memo data
-d, --del int del memo data (default -1)
-h, --help help for sql
-l, --list list memo data
-p, --pick int select memo data (default -1)
-s, --search string search memo data
-u, --update int update memo data (default -1)
As you can see, this command has no subcommands. Functions such as adding, updating, deleting, listing, searching and selecting can be completed through Flags.
We support three modes when using flags, as follows:
sql -aSearchUserById
sql -a SearchUserById
sql -a=SearchUserById
You can use your favorite patterns according to your preferences, and they are all executable.
The following shows how to use SQL flags in interactive mode:
igo>sql -a SearchUserById
igo>sql:add:SearchUserById>select * from user where id='1'; # SQL needs to end with a semicolon
sql saved successfully!
This Flag can display the stored SQL statement. Enter the specified ID to select the SQL statement. Each page displays 10 SQL statements. When paging exists, press enter to turn the page. Otherwise, exit the list
igo>sql -l
( 3 rows )
page: 1
id: 8 key: SearchUserById
id: 9 key: SearchUserByName
id: 10 key: SearchAddressById
(Pick: <id> / Quit: Enter)
select * from address where id='1'
# 10 is the ID of SQL. After entering the command, the SQL details will be printed and copied to the clipboard.
igo>sql -p 10
select * from address where id='1'
The functions of search and list are similar, but search has more filtering functions.
igo>sql -s User
( 2 rows )
page: 1
id: 8 key: SearchUserById
id: 9 key: SearchUserByName
(Pick: <id> / Quit: Enter)
select * from user where name='oneisx'
igo>sql -u 10
sql to be updated:
select * from address where id='1'
igo>sql:update:SearchAddressById>select * from address where id='2';
sql update successfully!
igo>sql -d 10
delete sql info:
select * from address where id='1'
delete sql successfully!