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In this challenge, you will need to refactor your MongoDB deployment to require a password when accessing database. You will first inject the password into your deployment using Kubernetes Secrets.
During an architecture review, your CISO noticed that MongoDB is deployed without a password. She has asked your team to mitigate this risk in the next sprint. For the first part of this challenge, you will need to:
- Redeploy MongoDB in a manner that requires a password to access the database
- Store the credentials (username/password) in a Kubernetes Secret
- Refactor your deployment manifests to use the Secret
- Inject the secrets into your deployments as environment variables
Prior to redeploying your database, and before you do anything else, you need to add authentication to your existing database. Use the following steps:
- From a shell, connect into your MongoDB pod:
kubectl exec -it $(kubectl get pods -o custom-columns=NAME:.metadata.name|grep mongo) -- /bin/bash
- Run the following commands to set a username and password (replacing the password with your own secret!):
- Run
- Run
use admin
- Run the following to set a username & password on the database:
db.createUser( { user: "useradmin", pwd: "my-super-secret-password", roles: [ { role: "userAdminAnyDatabase", db: "admin" } ] } ) db.grantRolesToUser("useradmin", [ { role: "readWrite", db: "contentdb" } ] )
- Run
- Exit out of mongo, then exit out of the pod
Now it's up to you to refactor your deployment manifests to use secrets!
- Note: You will likely need to delete your MongoDB deployment in order to iterate on your new mongodb manifests (don't worry, the data is safe in the PVC!):
kubectl delete deployment <mongodb deployment name>
- MongoDb is deployed such that authentication is required.
- The MongoDB password is stored as a Kubernetes secret
- The Fabmedical website is fully functional
- Using Secrets as environment variables
- How to Deploy MongoDB on Kubernetes
- A full MongoDb connection string has the format
- You can confirm MongoDb is running correctly by executing the following commands in sequence:
kubectl exec -it <mongo pod name> -- /bin/bash mongo --version mongo -u $MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME -p $MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD show dbs use contentdb show collections db.sessions.find()