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Make sure your machine is set up with the proper tooling: Prerequisites
The goals for this challenge include understanding:
- Understanding Terraform basics: init, plan, apply, and state
- Setting up Terraform authentication with Azure
- How to author Terraform manifests using HCL
In this challenge, you will create a simple Terraform manifest and deploy it to Azure. You will save Terraform state in an Azure Storage account
Using the az cli, prepare an Azure storage account which will hold your terraform state
Learning Resources
Author a Terraform manifest that creates an Azure Storage Account, and returns the required outputs. The manifest(s):
- Must save Terraform state in the storage account created in part 1
- Must take inputs 1)
(eg, Azure region) 2) Resource group name 3) unique storage account name - Must supply the required inputs via a tfvars file
- The output must return the storage account id
- Must meet above requirements and be able to demonstrate a full Terraform plan/apply sequence