This is a small experiment of an app which can be used to generate epic stories using LLMs.
You will need to have an OpenAI API key and in case you want to use the My Midjourney API, a MyMidjourney Token.
Please make sure to install Conda first.
conda create -n story_teller python=3.12
conda activate story_teller
pip install poetry
poetry install
# This is important for PDF generation
playwright install
python -m unittest
python.exe ./story_teller/
python .\story_teller\ui\wx\
If you are on Windows and have Powershell installed, you can simply run this script:
There are three expected environment variables:
TMP_FOLDER=<output folder for your stories>
MY_MIDJOURNEY_BEARER_TOKEN=<My Midjourney token (optional)>