- The scope of this application was to be familiar with how to use MERN stack and CRUD while building a full stack web application.
https://stormy-dusk-01415.herokuapp.com .
- This app is similar to Google Keep.
- Users can add notes as many as they wanted.
- They can delete and edit the notes that are taken.
- Additionally editing time will be recorded.
- For the backend server environment, I used Node.js with Express.js framework to design application layer.
- For the persistence of data, I used MongoDB as my database to store user's notes.
- A note schema holds title and content fields.
- For the frontend i used React.js library to design the client side of the application.
- React hooks especially useState, useEffect and useRef are used to increase effectiveness of the application through maintaining(useState), refreshing(useEffect) and reassigning(useRef) amongst component states.
- For deploying the app to Heroku, I followed this article..
- Easiest Way to Connect a React Frontend with Node.js.
- Code splitting.
- React Hooks: How to use useEffect().
- Clone local branch $ git clone -b local https://github.com/onkolahmet/Keeper-App.
- Run 'npm install' in client folder.
- Run 'npm install' in root folder.
- Run 'npm run dev' in root folder.