redux integration with invoice generator created by johnuberbacher
Here're some of the project's best features:
- add edit and delete invoices
- copy an invoice from existing invoice
1. git clone
git clone ""
2. install necessary dependencies
npm install (or) npm i
3. run on local server
npm run dev
- Clone this existing GitHub repository (link) and set up the project locally.
- Familiarize yourself with the current application structure and the invoice creation form.
- Integrate Redux into the application and create a Redux store.
- Create Redux actions, action types, and reducers to manage the invoice state (add, edit, view, and delete invoices).
- Implement a component to display a list of invoices.
- Make list of invoices as first screen and move the create to a new create invoice button
- In the invoice list, add buttons or options for view, edit, and delete operations.
- Ensure proper state management throughout the application by connecting components to the Redux store.
- Make sure the application handles errors gracefully.
- Write clean, well-documented, and modular code.
- Implement copy to a new invoice from existing invoice functionality
Technologies used in the project:
- react
- redux
- toastify
- bootstrap