Steps to install the UVMultiFit
These instructions assume you have a casa
version 5.x installed,
either the normal release or with the ALMA and/or VLA pipeline
included. The instructions below use an installation of
(ALMA pipeline) as an
example. Earlier versions (4.x) are neither tested nor supported.
Find out, where casa
is installed on your computer as you will need
this information during the installation of UVMultiFit
sudo apt-get install libgsl-dev libfftw3-dev
If using Mac Ports:
sudo port install gsl fftw-3
If using Homebrew:
brew install gsl fftw
Pick a directory where you want to install UVMultiFit
, e.g.
cd ~
mkdir -p casa/NordicARC
cd casa/NordicARC
git clone
cd UVMultiFit
If you already had a git
based version installed, pull in the latest changes:
git pull
Open the Makefile
and edit the first line, where it says
and replace with the path of your own casa
installation. If you have
write access to the directories underneath $CASADIR
, you may then
make install
This should make uvmultifit
available also to other users, running
from the same casa installation.
Alternatively, you can install to your local user PYTHONPATH
by running
make user
You may check that you can load the module and execute some of its
support functions. Move into the test
folder and start up casa
$ cd test
$ <CASADIR>/bin/casa # replace `CASADIR` with the correct path from above!
and run the short unit test in that folder:
CASA <1>: %run
which should produce output like this
C++ shared library loaded successfully
Ran 4 tests in 0.000s
Still in the test
directory, and with casa
running, run any of the tests via
CASA <2>: execfile("<test>.py")
where <test>
is one of:
All sources appear unresolved in the image plane. The axis ratio and position angle are, within uncertainties, compatible with the ones used in the simulation.
The residuals are all very small, with the exception of the "power-2" source:
Take into account that the "power-2" source has an infinite flux density, since the source extends to infinity and its 2d integral does not converge. Hence, the shortest baselines (i.e. the ones corresponding to the spatial scales of the order of the image size used in the simulation) have to be removed before the fitting (they are biased toward lower flux densities).
Furthermore, this "window effect" from the image used by simobserve introduces artifacts in the residual image. But such bad residuals are not indicative of a wrong fit (these are due to the fact that we have not used an exact "power-2" model for the simulation, since the model image needs to be a truncated representation of the source).
A similar thing happens with the "expo" model, which also presents some residual artifacts (notice the hint of a "missing-flux" effect in the image).
The source is a disc with a hole (the whole is modelled using an inner disc with a negative flux density) and a gaussian with an offset position. Notice that for the hole model to work, the surface brightness of the two discs must be the same (in absolute value). All sources appear unresolved in the image plane.
Simulations of an l-band vla mosaic with three pointings, covering an area of about 1 degree squared. the sources are distributed in a grid accross the mosaic area. This dataset is useful to check the primary-beam correction and the mosaic re-projection algorithm.
A time-varying gain amplitude is added to one of the antennas. We use the gain solver feature in UVMULTIFIT, to solve for the source parameters and the antenna gain simultaneously, Approximating the gain with a "piece-wise" time function.
This gain-solver feature is still quite experimental. In realistic situations, a lot of fitting parameters may be needed, to solve for all the antenna gains with enough time resolution. This may slow down the code significantly (and there may be risks of falling in a local minimum of the chi2), although this method should be superior to the conventional scheme, where the gaincal has no memory of the gain values close by in time (and the calibration is solved independently of the source model parametrization).
A simple model (two Gaussians) fitted to the gridded visibilities in the image plane.
which can be used to fit many (tens or hundreds!) source components whose shapes and coordinates are fixed in the model (i.e., only the flux densities are fitted). This mode can be used as an interface to implement modelling based on compressed-sensing techniques.
Notice that simobserve introduces a small sub-pixel shift in RA, which introduces small systematic residuals when the sources are fixed to their nominal positions (look at the plot of residuals).
A synthetic C-band dataset is generated with realistic noise and 128 channels (covering 32mhz). The gains are estimated first by fitting them to the peaks in delay-rate space (using the new helper rutine "QuinnFF"). These estimates are then used as a-priori for the ordinary global fringe fitting.
Notice that calibration tables are not generated (that feature is beyond the purpose of UVMULTIFIT), but the calibrated data can still be generated, either by dividing the data by the (gain-corrected) model (which UVMULTIFIT writes in the model column when you set write='model') or by setting write='calibrated'. the master script in the test directory shows how to do this.
A fixed point source is used for the gff (centered at the nominal source position), but of course more complicated structures (and even *.model images generated with clean/tclean) can be used as models and you can even fit the source parameters together with the gains!
Now, this can be done from any directory.
Start up
and runCASA <1>: from NordicARC import uvmultifit as uvm CASA <2>: help(uvm.uvmultifit) # to get the help text CASA <3>: myfit = uvm.uvmultifit(vis=..., ...) # fit your model ...
Any feedback and bug report should be sent either to the ARC Nordic Node ( or to the source maintainer (