The task is quiet easy to do with pymesh however pymesh only works with python3.6. It is a really nice library that can do what you ask easily, however it does not work with python3.9.x . I tried to do everything in a vritualbox with python3.6 installed but it messed my system up.
Trimesh cannot read the .obj files and reads .stl files as scene object not trimesh object. Thus, I did not want to deal with it. I also tried openmesh and dmsh but I did not like them.
Finally, I decided to use triangle library in python3.9. The down side of this library it is a 2D mesh library. Therefore, I only explained the algorithm for vertices smaller than a threshold value in limit() function in
I only applied triangle mesh method to a square, but an option can be added to select any other shape that is defined in the code.
More parser arguments can be added to enable/disable the conditions.
python3 -l <length_value> -a <area_limit> -d <degree_limit>
It will create two png files regarding the comparison of the applied conditions (Degree threshold first, area threshold second).