This is the eguan distribution of OpenStack's Cinder block storage service.
It adds the eguan storage backend volume driver and its unit tests: - the driver is in cinder/volume/drivers/eguan/ - tests can be found at cinder/tests/ and associated mocks at cinder/tests/eguan/
Unit tests can be run against a live backend by setting the EGUAN_IT_BACKEND environment variable to "<tenant_UUID>|<eguan REST URI>", e.g.:
export EGUAN_IT_BACKEND="fa753716fd1411e382fe180373e17099|"
See the eguan configuration documentation for more details on how to setup the eguan service.
Other modifications made for the eguan build process include:
- adding options to to control coverage output formats and to run coverage tests only on specified modules,
- adding pom.xml and build scripts in maven-scripts to build a maven artifact and
- building a custom distribution ZIP archive which is installable as an .egg package.
Below is the original README content.
You have come across a storage service for an open cloud computing service. It has identified itself as "Cinder." It was abstracted from the Nova project.
To monitor it from a distance: follow @openstack on twitter.
To tame it for use in your own cloud: read
To study its anatomy: read
To dissect it in detail: visit
To taunt it with its weaknesses: use
To watch it:
To hack at it: read HACKING.rst