WebApp for visualising 2.5D datasets.
Reads x, y, z coordinates from a CSV file and presents a colorful 3D model of the z-surface that can be rotated, zoomed and panned.
Dataset generated by the Josephson Junction Simulation tool.
Open plot3d.html in a browser and load a dataset. Use a mouse or touch to navigate the 3D model.
Dataset files can also be dragged and dropped into the webapp if the host supports this.
The x, y, z coordinates must be in (UTF-8) CSV format. Many applications can output data in this format.
If the first CSV row contains text, rather than numbers, then the values from that row are used to label the x,y & z axes.
Any lines starting with '#' and blank lines are ignored.
The dataset file name is used as the title of the model.
Please report any issues and make any requests on the development site: https://github.com/oomzay/plot3d/issues
If you want to contribute please visit the development site: https://github.com/oomzay/plot3d