Live Site:
This is Owen Parkins' online resume. I have always wanted to have a website where I can continuously add my projects, but I didn't have the time to originally create it. For a class assignment, I found Tim Baker's resume template and adapted it for my purposes. While I used Baker's resume as the design basis for my template, I wanted to remove all jQuery from the website. First, I dislike jQuery (just a lot of bloat for a resume site), and secondly I wanted to control more of the site through React only.
I will be continuously updating this website with all my new projects because I no longer have a space for them on my resume.
If you like the website format, just fork it. The main data is stored in the resumeData.json file.
I just ask that my name is somewhere visible on the site and there is a link back to the GitHub repo. Much like what I did for Tim Baker in the footer.
Feel free to make a GitHub issue to contact me about the website. I can't help your individual website, but if you have a question about why I coded the way I did, or have a suggestion to make my website in a more React format, let me know! I am always willing to learn.