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Open source libraries/apps/projects for the ecosystem.

Popular repositories

  1. jsonparse jsonparse Public

    Apex JSON parser to make it easier to extract information from nested JSON structures

    Apex 127 29

  2. grid grid Public

    A Lightning Component grid implementation that expects a server-side data store.

    Apex 35 13

  3. weird-limits weird-limits Public

    A not-that-carefully-maintained list of weird limits you might run across working with

    22 1

  4. website website Public

    Heroku app that drives the website. Check the Readme for how to get your stuff listed.

    TypeScript 12 7

  5. sfcli-cookbook sfcli-cookbook Public

    Community project to collect and collate recipes for using the Salesforce command line interface (CLI).


  6. context-detective context-detective Public

    A simple bit of Apex to help you investigate which Apex Limits are applied in various execution contexts where Apex can run.

    Apex 6 1


Showing 10 of 10 repositories


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