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Marwe edited this page Jun 26, 2018 · 1 revision

Treffen 2018-06-26

  • Martin: inzwischen OK Lab KA

  • Sebastian: Australia, Master of Technology, open data of government are tackled,

    • messenger for emergencies, service for infos, instructions (floodings, etc), interestested to implement this in government
    • govhack, trying to
  • Lukas: international relations, EU projects and relation to organisations, AU, Africa,

  • David: Website, user backend development ongoing

  • Pierre: alternative Maps

  • Mark: Hard-/Software dev, RF, interest in LoraWAN (Low Energy, long range)

  • Sridhar: Software dev, teaching, coding interest (Android, Linux)

  • Jonathan, Freiburg, data science brain signal, interest

  • Jan: started the project, public relation

  • Helmut: noise measurement, sensor development

  • Ewald: Meteorology knowledge, needed for interpretation of fine dust

  • Visualisation

    • stuck with an API problem


noise, NOx

  • drei Werte der Lärmsensormessungen:

    • L01 L95 (Quantile 1%, 95%)
    • Leq äquivalenter Larmpegel, der relevante Wert
  • AD-Wandler

  • dbA ist mit Filter nach Ohrfrequenzgang

  • Vergleichsmessungen nötig

    • Kalibration
  • NO2 Alpha sense Sensor + analog-board

  • verschiedene EU-Projekte zum Sensorvergleich, aber bleibt schwierig




for more, see Protokolle

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