Notice to public contributors
The contributor understands that any contributions, if accepted by the OGC Membership (and eventually the ISO/TC 211), shall be incorporated into the relevant OGC standards documents and that all copyright and intellectual property shall be vested in the OGC.
This folder contains the text for the standard
- standard_document.adoc - the main standard document with references to all sections
- remaining adocs - each section of the standard document is in a separate document: follow directions in each document to populate
- images - directory for image files used as figures
- requirements - directory for requirements and requirement classes to be referenced in clause_7_normative_text.adoc
- code - sample code to accompany the standard, if desired
- abstract_tests - the Abstract Test Suite comprising one test for every requirement, optional
- UML - UML diagrams, if applicable
To produce the HTML of the standard run asciidoctor -a stem=latexmath --safe -a data-uri -o standard_document.html standard_document.adoc
To produce the PDF of the standard run asciidoctor-pdf -a stem=latexmath --safe -a data-uri -o standard_document.pdf standard_document.adoc