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State of Valhalla

Part 3: The JVM Model {.subtitle}

John Rose and Brian Goetz {.author}

December 2021 {.date}

This is the third of three documents describing the current State of Valhalla. The first is The Road to Valhalla; the second is The Language Model.

This document describes the Java Virtual Machine view of value classes. Note that this is not necessarily the same as the Java Language view; readers are advised to exercise care in drawing conclusions, from this document, about the Java Language.

Value classes and objects

Prior to Valhalla, all objects -- instances of classes and arrays -- had a unique object identity. Valhalla allows classes to choose, by marking a class with the ACC_VALUE flag, whether their instances have identity ("identity classes") or not ("value classes"). Instances of value classes are called value objects.

Whether an object is an identity object or value object is also reflected in the dynamic type system: Identity objects are instances of java.lang.IdentityObject, and value objects are instances of java.lang.ValueObject. (The JVM will ensure this by injecting these interfaces, if necessary, when concrete classes are loaded.)

As with identity objects, value objects are referred to through object references. For some value classes -- those which are additionally marked with the ACC_PRIMITIVE flag -- values can also be described directly, as bare values, outside of any object. Such special value classes are called "primitive classes".

Because the JVM knows that value objects do not have identity, it can more effectively optimize layout, instantiation, member access, and calling convention for value objects, whether they are represented via references or as bare values.

Carriers and descriptors

JVM type descriptors (JVMS 4.3.2) use a leading letter to denote their basic type. There are currently eight basic types corresponding to the eight primitive types (I, J, etc), and one basic type corresponding to object references (L). (The letter V appears in method descriptors but is not considered a type.) The character [ in type descriptors introduces an array type that is hardwired to an internally defined array class, but for our purposes it is a variation of the L syntax, introducing a special type of object reference (which always refers to an identity object.)

These nine basic types map to five carrier types -- int, long, float, double, and object reference -- which correspond to the different kinds of values that can be stored in a stack or local variable slot. (We erase byte, short, char, and boolean to int, using the I carrier and i* bytecodes for these.) The primitive carriers store a value directly in the stack or local variable slot. (Long and double values use two adjacent slots.) The object reference (L) carrier stores an object reference, whether for an identity or value object, in the corresponding slot. (The slot can also hold the special null reference which points to nothing at all.)

To describe bare values of primitive classes, we add a new basic type, the "Q type". A descriptor beginning with Q has the same syntactic structure as an L descriptor (e.g., QPoint; for a primitive class Point). Both Q-carried and L-carried values can be operated on by the same set of a* bytecodes. The verifier ensures, however, that Q-carried and L-carried values, even of the same class, are kept distinct.

Q types can be referred to from CONSTANT_Class item in the constant pool by specifying a field descriptor for a Q descriptor as its CONSTANT_Utf8 string, rather than an internal binary name. (As with array descriptors in the same place, there is no ambiguity, since a class name cannot have the same spelling as an array or class descriptor. This is because class names cannot contain left bracket [ or semicolon ; characters.)

It is an error to refer to a class using a Q descriptor which does not have the ACC_VALUE and ACC_PRIMITIVE flags set because only primitive classes support bare values. Any class may be referred to using an L descriptor. (In particular, there is no legal use for Qjava/lang/Object;.)

While Valhalla has had L and Q descriptors since the beginning, their interpretations have gone through substantial evolution. Initially the distinction was pointer vs. flat; then it was nullable vs. not; then it was "traditional" vs. "exotic", and finally it has come to land at object reference vs. bare value. This final landing may seem superficially similar to where we started (pointer vs. flat), but there is a significant difference: pointer vs. flat prescribes a particular representation, whereas reference vs. value describes a semantic distinction; from there we can derive the desired representational properties.

Bare values have several major differences from references to value objects:

  • References to value objects, like all object references, can be null, whereas bare values cannot. This allows a Q type to "work like an int", without troubling the JVM to represent a null value in a 32-bit integer.

  • Loads and stores of references are atomic with respect to each other, whereas loads and stores of sufficiently large bare values may tear under race, as is the case for long and double.

  • The JVM is required to load classes named in Q descriptors much earlier than those named by L descriptors.

  • Data structures may not be circular if linked via Q descriptors: a class C cannot reference QC; in its layout, either directly or indirectly. References must be used to break circularities.

  • If the class operand of the checkcast bytecode is a reference type, then the class is only loaded if the operand is non-null. But if it is a Q type, then the class is eagerly loaded in any case. (This affects the order of error processing and also applies the eager processing of Q types more consistently.)

  • L descriptor names participate in class loader constraints; Q descriptor names need not, if they are resolved during preparation. (Because of eager loading, the constraints can be checked using resolved classes when methods are prepared. JVM implementations which resolve Q descriptors more lazily must use class loader constraints on them.)

The expectation is that bare values will routinely be flattened in object and array layouts, and in calling conventions between methods. Perhaps surprisingly, references to value objects can also be flattened under some conditions as well, though their stronger semantic guarantees (nullity, non-tearability) will have some costs. In particular, a flattened reference may need to allocate an extra bit somewhere to differentiate between null and non-null references.

Eager loading

In most cases, the JVM is lazy about loading classes referred to by other classes, such as classes named in method and field descriptors or in CONSTANT_Class items. However, the JVM ensures that a class's superclass, and its implemented interfaces, are loaded eagerly during the loading of a class.

Valhalla adds two new triggers for eager class loading. Any class referred to via Q descriptor in the descriptor of a method or field declaration is eagerly loaded in a roughly similar manner to supertypes. Additionally, any classes identified in the Preload attribute on a class are preloaded in a similar manner.

Preload {
    u2 attribute_name_index;
    u4 attribute_length;
    u2 number_of_types;
    u1 preload_types[number_of_types];

These additional preload triggers are present so that by the time we have to make layout decisions for references to value objects, or for bare values, we have complete information about these classes. (As a result, applications are at greater risk of bootstrap circularities because of increased preloading.)

The exact timing of preloading either Q descriptors or Preload classes is implementation dependent. For Q descriptors, loading must take place early enough to correctly execute structural checks such as the one for layout circularity. It should take place early enough to give the JVM enough information to optimize layouts of bare values and value references in places like fields (both instance and static fields) and method calling sequences (arguments and returns).

(Preloading, like class loading in general, should not be confused with the initialization actions that are required when a class is first instantiated or when one of its static members is resolved.)

A name appearing on a Preload attribute suggests to the JVM that an L descriptor of that name describes a candidate for optimization (a field, argument, or return), roughly as if a Q type had been observed in that location, but with the proviso that a true reference must be implemented (null and circularity are allowed but tearing is not). Simple value classes such as Optional are expected to benefit from this treatment, whether or not they support bare values in addition to object references.

Nevertheless, the mere presence of a type on the Preload list does not entail any correctness checks or other required side effects. If preloading some name fails for any reason, or fails to reveal a value class, the JVM simply falls back to the normal L type contract. Thus, the Preload attribute is a more of a hint than a command. By contrast, the loading required by the appearance of a Q type in a declared field or method is required, and may produce errors.

The timing of class initialization (execution of <clinit> methods) is also affected by the presence of Q descriptors. A default instance of a primitive class Foo is created whenever a variable of type QFoo; is created. This means that before an array of type [QFoo; is created, and before an object containing a non-static field of type QFoo; is created, the class Foo must be initialized. Also, before a static field of type QFoo; is first referenced, again Foo must be initialized. (This might be when the class containing the static field is prepared, or more likely just before the containing class is initialized.) There are no corresponding requirements for LFoo;.

Nullity and default values

Object references may be null, which means L-described variables must be able to represent null. The JVM has complete latitude over how to represent null references. For identity classes, where pointers are effectively a forced move for representing references, the null pointer is the obvious representation.

For value classes that are going to be flattened, an alternate representation must be chosen. Where the JVM can identify an unused bit or bit pattern (such as slack bits in pointers or booleans), it can use these to encode null; in the worst case, it can inject additional bits into the layout.

Heap variables -- fields and array elements -- must be initialized to default values before they are initialized or read by user code. For all reference types, the default value is null. Meanwhile, the built-in primitives each have their own form of "zero" which acts as a default value. For bare values, the default value is the one for which each field is initialized to its default value.

Constructors and unnamed factory methods

Both identity classes and value classes have constructors at the source level, but they translate differently. In a value class, each constructor is translated to an unnamed factory method (named <new>) with the same argument list as the declared constructor. While an <init> method (formally called an instance initialization method) operates on a partially-built receiver instance and must return void, a factory method simply returns the object being constructed.

A value class may not define an <init> method. (Interfaces also have this restriction.) Also, while an <init> method must always be non-static, a <new> method must always be static.

A <new> method must return the type of its declaring class, or a supertype. If the declaring class supports Q types (is marked ACC_PRIMITIVE) the return type may be the Q type of that class, or (as with regular value classes) an appropriate L type. An unnamed factory method for a primitive usually returns the Q type of its class, and for a non-primitive value class it usually returns the L type. (Returning other types is a necessary option for hidden value classes, and may be useful in other specialized translation strategies.)

While <new> methods must always be static and must return a type consistent with their class, they can (unlike <init> methods) be declared in any class file, as far as the JVM is concerned. (Remember that the Java language per se knows only about constructors, not about <init> or <new> methods.) This design allows possible future translation strategies to use unnamed factory methods in other kinds of class files besides value classes.


Value classes may implement interfaces, and may extend certain restricted abstract classes and notably the special class Object. This means that a variable of an interface type, or of a suitable abstract class type, or of the type Object, may be a reference to either an identity object or a value object.

For an interface to be compatible with value classes, no special marking is required either in the source code or in its class file. But a class file for an abstract class (that is, a non-interface) must explicitly opt into the possibility of subclasses that are value classes. In essence, such a class file must certify that its no-argument <init> method is skippable by the constructors of its ACC_VALUE subclasses.

Since the static factory <new> of a value class does not call any superclass constructor <init>, it must be safe to skip the superclass constructor call. Whether this is true or not is a matter to be decided by the author of the abstract class. A class which opts into value subclasses is called a value-superclass candidate. When compiled, it is marked with the ACC_PERMITS_VALUE flag. If that flag is present, then the JVM checks these additional conditions when the class is loaded:

  • It must be marked ACC_ABSTRACT as well as ACC_PERMITS_VALUE.

  • It may not also be marked ACC_INTERFACE.

  • Its superclass (if any) must also be marked ACC_PERMITS_VALUE.

  • It may not declare any non-static ACC_SYNCHRONIZED methods.

  • It may not declare any non-static fields. (Probably.)

The requirements of being a value-superclass candidate are thus "contagious" up the superclass chain. In effect, if some abstract class has a skippable no-arg constructor, its immediate superclass must also have an skippable no-arg constructor, all the way up to Object.

Perhaps surprisingly, the JVM does not perform the following checks for value-superclass candidates, although the source language compiler will typically do so:

  • It should have declared an empty no-argument constructor. (Or if it didn't, then the author has somehow consented to having all of the constructors being skipped by the unnamed factory methods of value subclasses.)

  • It should not implement the IdentityObject marker interface. (Or if it did, it is a "perpetual candidate" in the sense that the JVM will never successfully load an ACC_VALUE subclass.)

The special case of Object

Like interfaces, Object commits to neither kind of class; it implements neither of the marker interfaces IdentityObject nor ValueObject. Yet the existing behavior of the expression new Object() creates an identity object. The JVM will give special treatment to the bytecode instruction new java/lang/Object, which after link resolution will create an identity object of a secret substitute class which has no fields (like Object) and implements IdentityObject. (The verifier does not have to know about this, and the subsequent invokespecial of Object::<init> will be the only initialization the object ever experiences. This secret class will be designed to allow this treatment.)

In order for the various rules about supers to apply correctly, the class Object must also be marked with the flag ACC_PERMITS_VALUE, and must not declare instance fields.

Marker interfaces

When a non-interface class file is loaded, the JVM may dynamically inject one of the two marker interfaces ValueObject or IdentityObject, so that all concrete classes will implement one of those interfaces as appropriate.

A marker interface is not injected if it is already present, either directly in the interfaces of the class file, or indirectly via the superclass or an interface.


  • If the class is a value class, ValueObject is injected if not present.

  • Or, if the class is not a value class and not abstract, IdentityObject is injected if not present.

  • Or, if an abstract class is not a value-superclass candidate and it has at least one <init> method, IdentityObject is injected if not present. (Such a class has closed down the option of having value subclasses.)

  • Or, if an abstract class is a value-superclass candidate and it has no <init> methods, ValueObject is injected if not present. (Such a class has closed down the option of having identity subclasses.)

After injection (if any), any concrete class, abstract class, or interface that attempts to implement both marker interfaces will be rejected by the JVM.

In the end, every object will implement exactly one of the two markers, and it will implement ValueObject if and only if its class was a value class.

(The rules for dynamically injecting IdentityObject are required for compatibility with older classfiles, where the source compiler cannot have known about the need for IdentityObject. In principle there is no need for the JVM to inject ValueObject, since the compiler can be required to perform that injection statically, and the same is true when recompiling identity classes. But given the need for dynamic injection in one case, it seems useful to specify it symmetrically for all of the above cases.)

A marker interface injected by the JVM is indistiguishable from one explicitly declared in the class file. Thus, JVM-inserted supers are visible to reflection via Class::getInterfaces and Class::isAssignableFrom, and respected by checkcast, instanceof, aastore, Class::isInstance, and Class::cast.

Other restrictions

Value classes come with some additional restrictions compared to their identity counterparts.

  • The direct superclass of a value class must be a value-superclass candidate.

  • As noted above, IdentityObject must not be present directly or indirectly.

  • Instance fields of a value class must be marked ACC_FINAL, and must not be marked ACC_VOLATILE.

  • The instance fields of a value class Foo may not, either directly or indirectly, have a field of type Foo using a Q descriptor.

  • In any class file, neither fields nor methods may be declared with Q types, nor may a Q type be otherwise resolved, if the class of the Q type is not marked ACC_PRIMITIVE. (When the JVM loads the class of a Q type, it ensures that the class file properly declares a primitive type.)

A Q descriptor requires a check on the corresponding class file; its contract is strict in that way. There is no corresponding check for an L descriptor, because its contract is lax.

If an object were to contain a Q-typed instance field of its own class, it would have no definite size; each object would contain an infinite regression of sub-objects of the same type. A similar point goes for indirect declaration cycles, such as where Foo contains QBar; and Bar contains QFoo; again. In practice, an L type can be instead of a Q type, stopping any infinite regress with a null reference.

A static field of type Foo using a Q descriptor in Foo is not problematic, although it requires careful preparation, and (in general) a hidden indirection to manage lazy initialization. Such static fields of type QFoo; must be initialized to the default value of Foo, but the JVM may need to prepare such static fields before the default value is materialized, which may possibly require lazy or indirect access to the field. (This will be the case if the static field value is materialized after the containing class is prepared, when it is later initialized.) If so, this internal logic can be hidden within the getstatic bytecode.

Static translation

The translation of Java classes which declare and use value classes requires minor adjustments to the current translation strategy.

Value classes that are not primitive classes require no change in translation; these are translated with L descriptors. Similarly, the reference companion type of a primitive class is translated with L descriptors, and primitive value types are translated with Q descriptors. Widening and narrowing conversions between Q and L types are performed with checkcast.

Instantiation of value classes (new V(...)) is translated as invocation of the corresponding unnamed factory method with invokestatic. In the body of the factory method, rather than accepting an uninitialized this as a parameter, this is initialized inside the body of the factory with aconst_init, assignments to fields of this are translated as modifying that value with withfield, and the factory returns the completed this.

Despite the oddity of Object (or perhaps because of it), client code that uses Object does not need to be translated any differently.

Conversions between bare primitives and reference values, like their predecessors the boxing and unboxing conversions, require explicit bytecodes. (This is true even when they can be implicit in the language, as between int and Integer, or Point and Point.ref.) For primitive classes, this is simply a checkcast in either direction, as differentiated by the presence of a Q descriptor or plain class name in the checkcast constant operand. For legacy primitives like int, the JVM will continue to require calls to methods like Integer::valueOf and Integer::value. (We could also create new bytecodes to bridge these gaps, but that does not appear to be worthwhile.)

Bytecodes and constants

The incorporation of value classes, and of Q descriptors, affects a number of bytecodes. Some are new, and others gain additional behavior or restrictions when applied to primitive types. The existing a* bytecodes are extended to uniformly support references to both identity and value classes.

(A note about the term "reference": To the JVM, and specifically the bytecode verifier, "reference" is a catch-all type; it is anything other than an int, long, float, or double, the kind of thing you hand to an a* bytecode. Thus it can be either a Q type or L type. What the language translates to L types are properly called references in the Java language. But what translates to Q types are not Java language references but bare primitive values. This cognitive dissonance can perhaps be assuaged by substituting the term "address" or "anything" for "reference" in the JVM specification, or at least by remembering that the JVMS and JLS have separate bodies of terminology.)

There are two new bytecode instructions used for constructing instances of value classes.

  • aconst_init is the analogue of new for value objects; it leaves a reference to the initial value for a value class on the stack. This initial value is guaranteed to not be equal to null. The sole operand of this bytecode is a reference to a CONSTANT_Class item giving the internal binary name of the value class (not its Q descriptor).

  • withfield is the analogue of putfield for value objects; it takes a reference to a value object and a new field value on the stack, and leaves a reference on the stack to an instance of the value class whose fields are all the same as the original instance, except for the specified field.

Both withfield and aconst_init return a Q type if and only if their class is a primitive class. Both getfield and withfield accept either Q types or L types if the receiver class is primitive; there is no need for a checkcast. (These niceties are applications of Postel's Law.)

Both the aconst_init and withfield instruction are restricted and can only be executed within the nest of the class that declares the value class being initialized or modified. This encapsulates creation of novel values, so the class can ensure that any value escaping the implementation is seen to adhere to its invariants. The new and putfield bytecodes may not be used with instances of primitive classes, and the withfield bytecode may not be used with identity classes. (In a future version of a JVM, we may allow a class to grant access to these restricted instructions to other clients, on an opt-in basis, if this seems useful.)

The anewarray instruction is similarly extended to apply to a Q descriptor; this determines whether the resulting array may be flattened (Q), in which case it is an array of bare values, or not (L). The anewarray instruction returns a plain (L) reference to an array regardless of its component type.

The aastore instruction performs a null check on the element value before storing a value into an array of bare values. The aaload instruction, as always, takes an array of a particular reference element type, and returns an element of that type. If the array element type is a Q type, the value pushed on the stack by aaload is tracked by the verifier as a Q type. The aastore instruction, as always, relies fully on the dynamic array store check; the verifier is indifferent to the precise component type of the array input to aastore.

The acmp* instructions perform a more sophisticated comparison between their operands. Two object references are considered "the same" if they are both null, are both references to the same identity object, or are both references to primitive objects of the same type where all of their fields are pairwise the same. "Pairwise the same" means recursively applying a suitable equality comparison to the fields, which for references checks if they are the same (using acmp again, recursively), and for the primitives checks for bitwise equality. "Bitwise equality" for float and double fields uses the semantics of Float::equals and Double::equals, and for the other primitives is just ordinary equality.

The checkcast instruction is extended to apply to a Q descriptor, with the existing checkcast interpreted as following the rules for L descriptors. A checkcast with a Q descriptor differs from the traditional semantics, in that the class constant is resolved even if the object reference is null.

The ldc instruction, applied to a CONSTANT_Class item which contains a Q descriptor, will return the secondary (bare) mirror for the class. The normal syntax (of a plain class name in a CONSTANT_Class item) will return the mirror for the reference type; again, it is as if the normal syntax works like an L descriptor. The resolution of bootstrap method arguments continues to be consistent with the behavior of ldc.

Most uses of CONSTANT_Class continue to require plain class names, not array descriptors or Q descriptors. A CONSTANT_Class item that specifies Q descriptor is valid only for the following uses:

  • as a loadable constant: an operand of ldc or a bootstrap method
  • as an operand of checkcast or anewarray
  • in a stack map table for the verifier (to distinguish L and Q types)

In particular, CONSTANT_Fieldref, CONSTANT_Methodref, and CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref items and instanceof instructions must not refer to CONSTANT_Class items with Q descriptors.


An array type is a reference type (using the L contract) generated from a descriptor beginning with [. The addition of Q descriptors simply implies that an array element type can be either L or Q, corresponding to a choice between an array of references, or an array of bare values.

An array of bare values loads values of the corresponding Q-carried type. A reference value of any kind (whether Q or L or null or array) may be presented to the aastore instruction to store into the flattened array, but the store check will apply the same logic as checkcast to ensure that the incoming value can actually be stored as a bare value.

Arrays of reference types are covariant; if C is a subtype of D, then [LC; is a subtype of [LD;. For primitive classes, we extend this covariance such that an array of bare values is seen as a subtype of an array of references of the corresponding type: [QX; is a subtype of [LX; (and, since reference arrays are covariant, [QX; is transitively a subtype of [LObject;.) In short, the JVM replicates the language level rule, that A[] <: B[] if and only if A extends B (not just A <: B), recalling that A extends B means either A <: B or A.ref <: B.

The same consideration will be given to the eight primitive types and their wrappers; [I is a subtype of [LInteger;, and int extends Integer and Object. It seems likely that we will contrive somehow that int extends Integer and int[] <: int.ref[] <: Object[], with JVM support for these subtype relations among array references.

Structure tearing

With the exception of long and double, loads and stores of references and built-in primitives to and from the heap are atomic with respect to each other. This provides protection against out of thin air reads; even in the presence of data races, a load of a variable will yield a value that some thread has put there (perhaps the default value), even if it is not the most recent value written to that variable. This, in turn, provides the underpinnings of initialization safety (JCiP 16.3), which allows properly constructed immutable objects to be shared across threads, even in the presence of data races. (Without this guarantee, it would be possible to observe the value of a String change unexpectedly.)

The larger-than-32-bit built-in primitives (long and double) are permitted to tear in a controlled way under race; absent proper coordination, a reader may see the high-order 32 bits of one write, and the low-order 32 bits of another write. Any happens-before ordering between writes and reads, such as making the variable volatile, is sufficient to inhibit tearing. Allowing tearing for numerics was a pragmatic tradeoff given the hardware of the day (today's JVM's typically don't tear even when they are allowed to, because 64-bit atomicity is cheap enough.) For the built-in 64-bit primitives, tearing is inconvenient but in practicality has a limited impact; numeric-intensive code tends to not make extensive use of contended sharing.

While reads and writes of references are still atomic, meaning that we will not see tearing for L-carried values, the same forces push us to allowing tearing on larger bare values. Thus, a thread can witness an "impossible" combination of fields in a bare value, given the right (or wrong!) race condition. Since primitive classes may want to carefully control their internal invariants, structure tearing can cause new kinds of failures if it violates those invariants; this is often a cue to use value classes rather than primitive classes.

Structure tearing may not appear on some platforms. On other platforms it may be rare, although mischievous code might force it to happen on command. In any case, tearing cannot be ruled out absolutely. Java provides several means of ensuring tear-freedom; declare the field volatile, or use a reference rather than a bare value. (The former is only available for fields; array elements must choose the latter.) The JVM then excludes tearing by any means it chooses: Software transactions, hardware locking, hidden synchronization, extra buffering, or some combination of the above.

Legacy primitives

As discussed in Language Model, a key goal is to migrate the built-in primitives so that they are "mostly just" primitive classes, while retaining the performance characteristics of the built-in primitives. The existing wrapper classes (e.g., Integer) are redefined as value classes. We treat int.ref as an alias for Integer.

The JVM will, of course, continue to have direct support for primitives (e.g., the I carrier, and the i* instructions). The language compiler will have substantial latitude to translate uses of int to use the I carrier and instructions in generated code where beneficial (and where required for migration compatibility, such as in field and method descriptors).

This scheme involves one behaviorally incompatible change to wrapper class behaviors: synchronization on an instance of one of the primitive wrapper classes will throw IMSE. While we do not take this lightly, it is almost universally an error to do this, and in the very few cases where this is not an outright error, simple workarounds exist. A similar error of using a wrapper class constructor (in new Integer(42) != 42) is already flagged with a deprecation warning.

It may be that a descriptor like Qjava/lang/int; or Qjava/lang/Integer; will be useful later when describing specializations over primitives, although it seems more likely that a dynamical mirror value like int.class will fufill that role. Conversions between int and Integer probably do not need to change from their present form in bytecode, even around specialized generic code. Our current thinking is that the complicating effects of specialization on generic code are not likely to change the form of the bytecode. Instead, the effects of specialization will probably be carried by a new side channel which accompanies the bytecode, of dynamically specified and resolved "type restrictions", which are distinct from JVM type descriptors as bytecode operands, visible to the verifier.


The verifier keeps track of the "flavor" of each reference value (L vs. Q) as derived from the descriptor at its source. L and Q references may be interconverted by the use of the checkcast instruction; a non-null LX; can be converted to a QX;, and a QX; can always be converted to an LX; or one of its supertypes.

The verifier tracks Q-carried values, deriving them from from the following sources:

  • any Q descriptors in the argument types of the current method
  • the invoke family (when the return value is a Q type)
  • getfield, getstatic (when the field is a Q type)
  • aconst_init, withfield (always produces a Q type for primitive classes)
  • aaload (when the array component type is a Q type)
  • checkcast (when the CONSTANT_Class operand is a Q descriptor)
  • ldc (when the constant is a Q type)

The verifier enforces the Q marking of values when it sends them to the following consumers:

  • areturn (when the return value is a Q type)
  • the invoke family (any Q descriptors for outgoing arguments)
  • putfield, putstatic, withfield (when the field is a Q type)

In some cases the JVM uses dynamic checks to ensure type safety, and the verifier does not enforce marking of Q types for these consumers, but rather accepts Q and L marked types indiscriminately:

  • the receiver of getfield, putfield, withfield, and the invoke family (these already include a mandatory null check)
  • aastore (this has always been purely dynamic)
  • checkcast (Q promotes to L, which is then cast)

In the verifier, the null type is a subtype of every plain (L descriptor) type, but is not a subtype of any Q type. (Note that as a result of these rules, every Q-carried value is sourced from either a previous Q-carried value, or else is the result of a checkcast. These rules are sufficient to ensure that stray null value can be excluded eagerly in the interpreter, before they would pass into fields that are flattened or method arguments that are scalarized, and even before an optimizer begins to scalarize calling sequences.)

In the verifier, a type QFoo; has no subtypes or supertypes at all. In this a Q type is unlike LFoo;, which implicitly converts to LObject; and other reference types. Instead, a Q type is treated by the verifier like the primitive types J, F, D, which have no implicit conversions.

(A less conservative design would allow the verifier to implicitly promote QFoo; to LFoo; and then to any supertype; this would allow some uses of checkcast to be elided, and would slightly refactor the JVM specification. The present design emphasizes the abstractness of all Q types, even relative to their associated L types, and also follows the language rules more closely. In the design for primitive types in Java, although Point extends Point.ref and Object and can be converted to those types by "value conversion", Point is not a reference type, nor is it a subtype of .)


When a class is reflected, its field and method types directly represent the corresponding descriptors by using a distinct mirror (of type Class) for each distinct descriptor. (There are even mirrors for int and void!) And since a primitive class Foo can appear with either kind of descriptor (L or Q), it follows there must be two mirrors associated with any primitive class Foo. The source types are denoted Foo.ref and Foo, which are translated as LFoo; and QFoo;, and likely mirrored as Foo.ref.class and Foo.class. (Or, maybe, something like Foo.class and Foo.TYPE, depending on which type gets the "good name" Foo.class.) The JVM generates both mirrors automatically when loading a primitive class.

In all paths through the reflective APIs which classically (before Valhalla) yield class mirrors, the JVM will continue to return ref mirrors. This is more compatible than returning the "more accurate" value. The situation is similar, in some ways, to that of Integer.class and int.class, if one can imagine that Integer works like int.ref, and that I is really (somehow) a Q-like descriptor.

In particular, Class::forName and Object::getClass will always return a ref projection. If you want the mirror that "works like int.class", you have to look somewhere special, as with int today, or ask the primary mirror for its corresponding secondary mirror. There will be an API point on Class for obtaining the val mirror from the ref mirror, and vice versa.

Hashing follows equality

As described above, the acmp bytecode performs pairwise equivalence tests on the fields of two value objects (of the same class). This implies that the method Object::equals performs the same test, since the definition of that method simply compares this and the argument for sameness (using ==).

The methods Object::hashCode and System::identityHashCode are tightly coupled to the behavior of Object::equals and acmp, so their behavior needs to be adjusted correspondingly. It seems highly likely that every value class should adhere to the older rules for value-based classes, and not make use of those hardwired hash code methods; perhaps the language should enforce this.

It is less clear what to do when a value object is intentionally presented to System::identityHashCode. Returning a hash of an underlying heap pointer would be very wrong, breaking the contract that hash codes of equal objects must themselves be equal. There are a number of formally correct options:

  • Return a constant value -1, or the hash of the object's class. This may be surprising to authors of identity hash maps, who rely on reasonable collision rates for hash codes. (But perhaps they should fix their code?)

  • Throw an exception, something like "Error: there is no identity in this value object." This would tend to break bits of code that try to treat value objects as identity objects, a surprise to users of identity hash maps. (But perhaps their vendors should fix their code?)

  • Create an ad hoc hash code of the object's fields. This is acceptable in many use cases, but is also likely to be an escalating maintenance burden, since varying uses demand qualities of hash which vary from fast to thorough. As a rough band-aid fix, the JVM as a whole could have some configuration switch to choose between (say) bitwise XOR and xxHash.


Like one of today's Integer objects, a value object may be used as a key to a weak hash map. (There are many such in the Java ecosystem.) The implementation of a weak hash map probably appeals to the WeakReference JDK class or something similar. In any case, applications make varying use of WeakReference and related types, as well as JNI weak references. It appears that we cannot exclude value objects from such uses, and so we need to assign a meaning to a weak reference to a value object.

What does it mean to wait for a value object to become unreachable? If the primitive object is simply a bit-pattern of scalars, the unhappy answer is that it is alway reachable in principle, since the bit-pattern could be read from disk, loaded into a fresh copy of the value object, and presented as a witness of reachability. After all, a reference is reachable if some other code can produce a reference which acmp will compare as indistinguishable ("the same") from the original reference. But acmp on a value object pays attention only to object state, not identity.

If a value object is composed of a combination of scalars and references to identity objects, the problem is less hopeless, though still complicated. A value object becomes unreachable (in the modified definition of the previous paragraph) if and only if at least one of its component identity object references becomes unreachable.

It seems possible to implement this standard of reachability for value objects using a combination of GC adjustments, JDK library changes to WeakReference, and runtime code changes for JNI weak references. It also seems terribly inconvenient to do this, and we are looking for use cases to help us weigh the alternatives, such as refusing to build such WeakReferences (forcing library authors to recode) or just holding on to value objects forever.

Flattening and representation

It was clearly a goal of Valhalla to enable the flattening of bare values. Given the constraints on primitive classes, flattening bare values in the heap, and in calling conventions, is straightforward; we can replace a bare value with its component fields whenever it is convenient to do so, and reassemble them into a value object where needed.

Perhaps surprisingly, it is also possible to flatten some object references. Historically, object references were always represented as pointers. Because all objects had identity, there was really no other practical option; objects with identity live in exactly one place, and a pointer is the ideal way to record this. Similarly, when the referent is polymorphic (such as a reference to an interface type) and all the possibilities are identity objects, a pointer is again the natural representation.

When the type of the referent is more constrained, and the referent is known to have no identity, alternate representations become possible. An object without identity is just its (immutable) state (including its typestate), and two objects with the same type and state are indistinguishable. This means that it becomes possible to flatten references into their referred-to state.

There are a number of accidental reasons why we might not be able to flatten a reference. We might not have complete information about the range of types of the referent (it could be a reference to an unsealed interface type). And even if it is a reference to a type that turns out to be monomorphic, we may not know this at the time we are called upon to choose a representation.

Because the layout of references must frequently be chosen early (such as when choosing the layout for a class containing the reference, which is done at class preparation time), optimizations involving reference layout often require early loading of their referent type. However, the JVM specification strongly encourages us to defer the loading of classes described with L descriptors until the latest possible time (when an instance is instantiated, or a static member is accessed.) Accordingly, to enable flattened representations of references, we needed to arrange for earlier loading of the referent type.

Another consequence of flattening the layout of references is that an alternate strategy for representing nullity is needed. References are intrinsically nullable (a reference needs a way to express "refers to nothing", to avoid infinite regress when constructing objects), and therefore we need to ensure that there is a way to represent null references. If we are representing null as a pointer, as we do for identity objects, this is easy: use a sentinel value (such as the null pointer) to encode the null reference. But if we are flattening the referent into the reference encoding, we'll need at least one bit pattern to represent null. (In some cases we can find an empty bit pattern in the representation, in which case we can do so without additional footprint cost; otherwise we'll need to adjoin additional bits to the representation.)

Flattenable contexts

References may appear in fields, method parameter and returns, and local variables. Each of these contexts has different constraints on the timing of layout. The layout of fields is done at the time the containing class is prepared and is generally fixed thereafter. The layout of method parameters and return values is done either at preparation or else at the time the invocation instruction is linked; they are similarly fixed thereafter, though it is allowable for a method to support more than one calling convention.

Final fields containing value objects, under both L and Q descriptors, can be routinely flattened. Mutable fields containing value objects under Q descriptors can be routinely flattened; mutable fields containing value objects under L descriptors must provide atomic loads and stores, which requires either atomic instructions or an indirection. Atomicity for single-word classes like java.util.Optional (after migration to a value class) is probably easier to manage than multi-word classes.

When an array element or mutable instance field is of a Q type, the effect of loading or storing a Q value is tracked by the Java Memory Model as if the primitive object were recursively broken down into the component subfields of it and all of its embedded sub-objects, all the way down to plain pointers and scalar (non-object) primitives like int and long. (In other words, a flattened value in the heap is "scalarized", decomposed into a set of machine words.)

Value objects as method parameters and returns, under both L and Q descriptors, can use flattened calling conventions for out-of-line calls. For inlined calls, JITs have virtually unlimited latitude to flatten (scalarize) value objects under both L and Q descriptors.

In all cases, the JVM has the latitude to not flatten at its discretion. For value objects with many fields, the JVM may decide to fall back to buffering its value in the heap, which is the traditional indirected representation. Outside of statically typed and optimized code -- in the interpreter or around unspecialized polymorphic or reflected code -- heap buffering is not certain but seems a likely prospect.