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Helper Scripts (Unix and Linux)

Dave Nicolette edited this page Feb 6, 2021 · 7 revisions

Home -> Developer Guide -> Unix and Linux Platform Guide ->


We recommend you prepend the PATH variable with "." so that scripts in the current working directory will be found. This eliminates the need to type "./" in front of the helper scripts.



Run the cobol-check application (after creating the jar with run fatJar). This script assumes it is running from the project root and the executable jar is located in build/libs.



Pad each line of a text file to 80 characters plus a newline

pad infile outfile 


Shorthand for running Gradle builds. It's a wrapper for

./gradlew [options]

Run unit tests only

run ut

Run integration tests only

run it

Run approval test

run approvalTest

Run any other Gradle command

run taskname

Run jacoco test coverage

run jacocoTestReport 

Run jacoco test coverage verification

run jacocoTestCoverageVerification


Run a SonarQube scan.


The sonar-scan script wraps a long command line to avoids certain runtime errors that are likely when you run the sonarqube Gradle task without these command line arguments.

./gradlew -Dsonar.login=e1338b64579c5f8b6e2556b9d42c3f86e69914c7 -DXX:MaxMetaspaceSize=64M sonarqube
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