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Rune Christensen edited this page Feb 2, 2023 · 25 revisions

Welcome to the COBOL Check wiki!

We aim to provide unit test tooling for COBOL developers, and making it available directly in the most popular IDE's.

Get started contains tutorials, these are lessons where we take you by the hand through a series of steps to complete a project of some kind. They are wholly learning-oriented, and specifically, they are oriented towards learning how.

A project could be running your first unit test in Visual Studio Code, from installation to succes.

The how-to guides covers a wide range of tasks and gives you deeper knowledge of how to use COBOL Check.

Explanations, clarifications and discussions of topics. Including backstory, decisions leading to the current state and future plans.

Reference guides are technical descriptions. And covers details of syntax, how to contribute and descriptions of configurations.

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