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Java Coding Standards

Dave Nicolette edited this page Jan 30, 2021 · 3 revisions

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Java coding conventions

In general, we follow the Google conventions for Java code, as documented here:

Javadoc standards

In general, we follow the Oracle standards for javadoc comments as documented here:

Differences with the Oracle standards:

  • @author Your Name (your github-id), include multiple authors as appropriate
  • @version - omit
  • @param - when not obvious, try to help IDEs display hints
  • @return - when not obvious, try to help IDEs display hints
  • @exception or @throws - for clarity when runtime exceptions are possible
  • @see - as appropriate
  • @since - required, just the number (e.g., 8 or 15)
  • @serial - as appropriate
  • @deprecated - include an explanation of what to do in place of the deprecated functionality

It is not necessary to use javadoc in test code.

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