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Byrne edited this page Dec 3, 2010 · 3 revisions


The path, either an absolute path or a path relative to the Melody directory, where plugins are found. Defaults to 'plugins'. Admins can specify multiple PluginPaths to indicate multiple locations in which to search for installed plugins. If any PluginPath directive is specified in your system's config.cgi, it is essential that you specify all paths a plugin might reside, even Melody's default PluginPath of plugins.

For example, suppose I have plugins found in two locations on my file system. One is the default plugins folder that is found in Melody's home directory, and the other is a folder synced with a source control system like so:


Then I would edit my config.cgi to contain the following:

PluginPath plugins
PluginPath /usr/local/src/github/mt-plugin-some-plugin/plugins/
  • Categories: Appendix: Configuration Directives
  • Tags: config, plugin
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