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designguide theme buildtypes

Violet edited this page Dec 6, 2010 · 1 revision

MTDG: Build Types

A build type designates how and under what conditions a template will be published. The build_type property is used with index and archive templates only. The value assigned to the build_type property is a simple integer. Below is a list of allowable values and their associated meaning.

  • 0 - Disabled. Do not publish this template ever.
  • 1 - On demand. Publish this template whenever a new entry or comment is created.
  • 2 - Manually (default). Publish this template only when an admin requests it to be republished from within the Melody CMS.
  • 3 - Dynamically. Publish this template in real time whenever it is requested by a reader.
  • 4 - Via Publish Queue. Publish this template whenever a new entry or comment is created, but publish it via the "publish queue," a background process to which publishing can be strategically off-loaded.


      label: 'Google Sitemap'
      outfile: 'sitemap.xml'
      build_type: 2


Category: Guide

Tags: theme design

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  • Author: Byrne Reese
  • Edited by: Violet Bliss Dietz
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