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install perlprereqs

Violet edited this page Oct 25, 2010 · 3 revisions

Optional and Required Perl Modules

The following documents Melody's prerequisites. Melody's installation wizard will check for many of these, so the average user need not worry too much about checking their system for these. But for those who are responsible for managing large installations, or distributions of Melody (e.g. in Debian, Yum, etc) this might be helpful.

Required Perl Modules

Bundled Perl Modules

These perl modules are bundled with Melody, but not necessarily required.

  • SOAP::Lite
  • Archive::Extract
  • Attribute::Param::Validate
  • CGI
  • CGI::Cookie
  • Cache::IOString
  • Cache
  • Class::Accessor
  • Crypt::DH
  • Data::ObjectDriver
  • File::Copy::Recursive
  • HTML::Template
  • HTML::Form
  • LWP
  • Heap::Fibonacci
  • I18N::LangTags
  • IO::Scalar
  • IPC::Cmd
  • Image::Size
  • JSON
  • Jcode
  • Locale::Maketext
  • Lucene::QueryParser
  • MIME::Charset
  • Math::BigInt
  • Module::Load
  • Net::OAuth
  • Net::OpenID
  • Params::Validate
  • TheSchwartz
  • URI
  • WWW::RobotRules
  • XML::Atom
  • XML::Simple
  • XML::NamespaceSupport
  • XML::SAX
  • XML::XPath
  • YAML::Tiny

Required, but NOT bundled with Melody

  • File::Spec
  • DBI
  • DBD::mysql|Pg|SQLite|SQLite2
  • MIME::Base64
  • Safe
  • Digest::MD5
  • Text::Balanced
  • XML::Parser

Optional Perl Modules

  • HTML::Entities
  • LWP::UserAgent
  • HTML::Parser
  • File::Temp
  • Scalar::Util
  • List::Util
  • Image::Magick, a.k.a. PerlMagick
  • GD
  • IPC::Run
  • Storable
  • Crypt::DSA
  • Crypt::SSLeay
  • XML::Atom
  • Cache::Memcached
  • FCGI
  • Archive::Tar
  • IO::Compress::Gzip
  • IO::Compress:Gunzip
  • Archive::Zip
  • XML::SAX
  • Digest::SHA1
  • Mail::Sendmail
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