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Web Conference 2021.07.13 Curb

Jascha Franklin-Hodge edited this page Jul 19, 2021 · 9 revisions

Web Conference - Curb Working Group

  • Every other week Tuesday call at 9am PT / 12pm ET / 6pm CET

Conference Call Info

Meeting ID: 898 5980 7668 - Passcode 320307

One tap mobile: +13126266799,,89859807668#,,,,*320307# US (New York)

Dial by phone: +1 929 436 2866 (US) (Find your local number)


Main Topics

  1. Welcome and process (5 min) - Jascha Franklin-Hodge, OMF
  2. Curb policy use case (10 min) - Elias Khoury, San Jose
  3. Regulation/Event/Metrics spec recap (5 min) - Jascha Franklin-Hodge, OMF
  4. Pilot Project Discussion and Setup (40 min) - Angela Giacchetti, OMF, Curb WGSC
    • how to sell, run, fund, approve, and potential challenges




Elias Khoury spoke about San Jose's work to digitize the curb

  • Just started the digitization effort a few years ago.
  • Did most of our work during the COVID epidemic because extra staff was available for data collection
  • Three types of traditional zones: residential, commercial, and mixed.
  • More zone types expected: transit hubs, entertainment hubs, etc.
  • Curb uses: vehicle parking, no vehicle parking, events, special / restricted uses, emerging uses, future uses
  • What's needed:
    • ID restricted areas
    • ID non-restricted areas
    • Collect curb regulation data
    • Integrate data in a meaningful way
  • Why digitize?
    • Economic considerations
    • Operations
    • Long term planning and development
  • What are we doing?
    • Existing parking meter data
    • Shape files for various zones and districts
    • Collecting curb face / regulation data into ArcGIS
    • Implementing operational changes and introducing new technologies to support the program (ALPR for operations, occupancy)
  • Challenges
    • Earlier technologies were not reliable (such as in ground sensors in heavily used places / places with big vehicles) -- parking moved due to protected bike lanes and above ground sensors didn't work either due to distance from curb to parking
      • In chat, SFMTA noted similar challenges in earlier pilots
    • A lot of data not yet collected
    • Older data is not on the same platform as current tools
    • Lack of standards for data collection
    • Unclear on how to integrate
  • What's next?
    • Collect and digitize as much as possible
      • From chat:
        • Physically driving streets to collect data
        • Using ArcGIS to store
        • Not collecting other asset data along the way
    • Implement new technologies
    • Migrate and integrate
    • Evaluate and update

Quick Pilot Presentations

    • Coord - Jacob Baskin
    • Role: Help cities digitize the curb (collect, integrate, etc.)
    • Would use CDS regulations as an output format
    • Smart zones that allow commercial loading booking and payment
    • Fund via revenue split or transaction fees -- no cash outlay
    • CDS role: help various developers / companies work together to make these types of projects work -- sensors, enforcement, routing and logistics
    • CDS helps solve the chicken and egg problem getting companies to ingest data in a single-city format
    • We would commit to produce data in CDS-compliant mechanisms
  • SANDAG - Marissa Mangan
    • Neighborhood electric vehicle micro transit pilot in Pacific Beach
    • Onstreet priced parking district to fund the project
    • Integrating curb data collection into the pilot -- virtual stops for program
    • Public sector partners identified and stakeholders group established (area businesses)
    • Missing technology partners
    • Interested in integrating last mile delivery components
  • Santa Monica - Kyle Kozar
    • In the midst of a Zero Emission Delivery Zone (ZEDZ) pilot
    • Not explicitly curb related, but a lot of overlap
    • Done with the LA Cleantech Incubator
    • Testing various last mile delivery technologies and the supporting infrastructure (delivery robots, e-bikes, etc.)
    • Big advisory group and network of partners (including delivery companies)
    • Curb management -- designating EV loading zones -- partnership with Automotus
    • Plan to install cameras at 12-15 EV loading zones.
    • No legal ability to issue fines, but using automotus's tools to collect data and provide space for partner companies to use their EVs. Will eventually move from voluntary model to one with fines
    • Want to create EV-specific infrastructure
    • Challenge of dealing with data security / privacy
    • Once you have tools and data systems in place, how do you on-board new service providers --- from UPS + Amazon down to GrubHub driver. How do you engage to make them aware and help them utilize space?
    • CDS hasn't been integrated yet, but it's a conversation we want to have.
    • Hope to extend project into or beyond 2022.
  • Seattle
    • Working to extend timeline on project previously presented


  • Goal definitions
    • Goal ideas
      • Matching demand and supply of curb space
      • Nudge to reduce unsafe or illegal parking behavior
      • Cities should lead with carrot, not stick
      • We can't provide enough space without knowing what we need -- how to measure use of turn lanes / center median in demand calculations?
      • Optimizing flex curb zones should
    • Thinking through incentives and how those are built into goals
    • There is a big education component.
    • Tickets are one way to learn. It's been a challenge for us [Santa Monica] to wrap our heads around how to educate such a broad swatch of stakeholders and give them incentives without just putting up signs and issuing tickets.
    • Tickets are just treated as an operational expense by companies
    • Need a way to learn from drivers what makes sense for useful loading areas
    • Need to define your audience in order to establish who the actual audience is. Tightening goals can happen through tightening use cases.
    • Data will be key to knowing who to target for education
  • Use of CDS:
    • Including CDS as a requirement in our RFP is going to be key
    • A lot to learn from micromobility about how to incorporate data into program rules
    • How to CDS in pilots that are already in flight?
      • Populus is really excited to help advance the standards and adopt into existing pilots.
      • Implementation plan matches well with cities we're currently engaged in pilots with -- interested in all elements
      • Interested in aligning demand data (parking meters, and other data sources) with CDS
      • A lot of flexibility on the city end and our end to adopt
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