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Web Conference 2022.03.08 Curb

Michael Schnuerle edited this page Mar 14, 2022 · 11 revisions

Web Conference - Curb Working Group

  • Every other week Tuesday call at 9am PT / 12pm ET / 6pm CET

Conference Call Info

Meeting ID: 898 5980 7668 - Passcode 320307

One tap mobile: +13126266799,,89859807668#,,,,*320307# US (New York)

Dial by phone: +1 929 436 2866 (US) (Find your local number)


Main Topics

  1. Welcome (5 mins) - Marisa Mangan, SANDAG
  2. Who is using CDS? and call for more orgs (10 mins) - Michael Schnuerle, OMF
  3. Curb and CDS Presentation (15 mins) - Vianova (rescheduled for a later date)
  4. Work Zone Data Exchange (WZDx) and curb overlap ideas (20 mins) - USDOT
    • Cross reference specs by time/space overlapping feeds and IDs
    • Alignment on lane types
    • vehicle_impact and event_status connection to CDS
    • Connect Activity called closure to CDS Curb Space available
  5. Q&A (10 mins)


  • Hosts: Marisa Mangan, SANDAG
  • Note Taker: Kenya Wheeler, SFMTA
  • Facilitator: Michael Schnuerle, OMF
  • Outreach: Angela Giacchetti, OMF



Action Items

  • Working Group members please continue updating Michael at OMF on current and future plans to use CDS to be listed here and in data source operator list. Goal is to collect CDS API use as well in the future.
  • Provide WZDx team with feedback on lane types and consider participating in the WZDx working group by emailing: - info at: Join WZDWG
  • Continued reminder to review CDS Github discussions and review resources developed to date: feedback needed and WZDx alignment


OMF Release Candidate 1.0 released on Jan 25, Approved by OMF tech council week of February 28; going to full OMF board.

Highlighted General resources for using CDS and Implementation Resources available for implementing CDS.

Populus is booked for next CDS Working Group meeting on March 22nd.

Who is using CDS:

  • Currently there are 19 public agencies and private organizations using, developing, or planning to use CDS
  • Comment: Can you clarify which part of the CDS spec each user is implementing? Michael: Yes, that will be added in the future.

Work Zone Data Exchange (WZDx)

  • Introduction of Nate Deshmukh Towery, Volpe Center. US DOT. Welcome Nate!
  • Work Zone Data Exchange – WZDx developed by USDOT as a data standard for work zone construction information.
  • Goal is to understand and potential to integrate with other roadway data sources and maps
  • Program housed under USDOT ITS-JPO Program office, Murat Omay is the Program Manager
  • Project URL:
  • WZDX is based on an open data sharing standard, stated at the State DOT level. Usage has increased significantly in 2022.
  • Managed by the Work Zone Data Working Group housed under the Federal Geographic Data Committee – Nate D-T is Federal Co-Chair, 160 organizations involved, meets monthly.
  • WZDG Working Groups: five subgroups,
    • Updating spec;
    • Worker Presence subgroup (construction workers are over represented in fatalities);
    • Technical Assistance subgroup (“community engagement”);
    • Smart Work Zone (standardized way to capture AVL, smart devices for real time use)
    • Specification extension: expand WZDx beyond workzones
  • WZDx Feed Registry – all WZDx APIs are published;
  • USDOT has sandbox that ingest WZDx APIs:
  • WZDx Currently in use by six State DOTs + Maricopa County (county and municipalies)
  • By Fall 2022, 17 states will use WZDx: Texas, Oregon, NC (currently active); MI, PA, OK (piloting Autonomous Vehicles)

Lanes in WZDx conventions

  • WZDx – uses linear events to represent work zones; does not current use polygons in spec;
  • Represents changes to lane use: closures; restrictions (e.g. height, no trucks)
  • WZDXFeed -> Lane object: lane order (numeric starting at 1); type; status; restriction
  • WZDX: zones have start and end date-time; no schedule

Action Item: WZDx team is developing more lane types and is soliciting feedback on lane types.

WZDx 4.0

  • WZDx 4.0 -> WZDxFeed and Road Restriction Feed – both GeoJSON collections.
  • Goal to broaden WZDx feeds beyond state DOTs. Noted San Francisco Metropolitan Transportation Commission is aggregating feeds from local jurisdictions as an example.

Potential synergies with CDS

  • Designating a lane for multiple uses (e.g. parking lane also used as a bus stop or for loading activities)
  • Referencing events in WZDx from CDS and vice versa
  • Recommending a Unique User ID (UUID) for all road events; could reference a URL for CDS feeds

Action Item:

Questions and Answers

  • Michael S: CDS has lane types and more than WZDx.
  • Michael: may want to have CDS reference data from WZDx to capture construction work in adjacent lanes; include a reference URL to WZDx in CDS in case road work impacts curb usage.
  • Jacob L: more general lane types; work zone would close a curb zone, would like to have this automatically updated in CDS.
  • Brian H: once WZDx and CDS are up; having a script to update both feeds would be seamless.
  • Michael S: Discussion topics here on a proposed technical solution to share data between feeds:
  • Michael S: Coordination between City and State DOTs – which entity publishes data? Perhaps by roadway ownership?
  • Nate D: Maricopa County (AZ) model of data sharing between jurisdiction, funded by USDOT. Noted Data aggregation companies are also facilitating this: E.g. One Network is aggregating data from jurisdictions across North Carolina for the state.
  • Jacob L: WZDx should be optional for CDS;

Michael S: Next Steps for CDS –

  • review GitHub conversation;
  • details and other use cases;

Next CDS release: April or May 2022;

  • link to WZDx could be incorporated


  • WZDx next update is RC 4.1 including UUID – July/August 2022 release, following is September

Open Question and Answers about CDS

  • Michael S: Privacy Committee – reviewing OMF CDS privacy guidance
  • Zane: What is the scope and timeline for next version of CDS?
  • Michael S: up to Working Group to define. We are usually nimble in defining future release timelines, as opposed to a set train-like schedule.
  • Jacob M (Curb IQ): As an aside, if anyone is interested in learning about ways to collect curbside data in their city to generate a curbside inventory in CDS format, feel free to sign up for Urban Movement Lab's and CurbIQ's webinar on data collection methods this Thursday.
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