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Web Conference 2023.04.18 Curb

Brian Hamlin edited this page Apr 21, 2023 · 8 revisions

Web Conference - Curb Working Group

  • Every other week Tuesday call at 9am PT, 12pm ET, 5/6pm CET

Conference Call Info

Meeting ID: 898 5980 7668 - Passcode 320307

One tap mobile: +13126266799,,89859807668#,,,,*320307# US (New York)

Dial by phone: +1 929 436 2866 (US) (Find your local number)


OMF Announcements

Main Topics


  • Hosts: Jacob Larson, City of Omaha, Parking and Mobility
  • Note Taker: Brian Hamlin, Seattle DOT
  • Facilitator: Jacob Larson, City of Omaha, Parking and Mobility
  • Outreach: Michael Schnuerle, OMF





  • The OMF cohort of cities will be working together on curb related projects. This work will directly inform development of the next version of CDS.

2023 OMF Conference and Event Calendar

  • OMF staff and members will be attending many conferences in the upcoming year. Please check out the Conference and Event Calendar to try and meet up!

ESRI Presentation - Mike Dagle

  • Product is an ArcGIS solution – bridging in-house tools with use cases
  • Request driven from users to map curb regulations
  • Language of solution borrows heavily from CDS, CDS was the starting point for this development
  • Mike provided a demo of the tool:
    • tool allows users to define curb zones and connect curb zones with templates of curb regulations/policies
    • curb zones are modeled as polylines but the tool has built an option to transform polylines into polygons which is a CDS requirement
    • tool has an export to JSON feature but will still require ETL to fully sync with a CDS compliant spec
    • validation component confirms each curb zone has a policy
    • curb regulation viewer is a webmap tool that showcases policies and curb zones and is filterable
  • Questions
    • Kerby (Oakland) - what is the pricing?
      • The solution does not have an added cost, it is included with the licensed software
    • Michael (OMF) - Is JSON output a CDS curbs endpoint feed/format?
      • JSON is a core tool and GEOJSON is not included. Users will need to perform ETL

University of Washington Presentation - Wei Cheng

  • Smart Curb Project developed by Wei Cheng - Parking Inventory/Asset Management, Occupancy Tracking and Navigation
  • Application uses dash cam footage to collect street signs and builds a curbside parking database (will use CDS going forward)
  • App has a live view which allows a user to input their arrival address, date, and time and will provide users with the information they need to make a parking decision
  • This program helps users determine if they can park legally. User can take a photo of the nearby parking sign, upload to database, and the app lets the user know what the sign/regulations are
  • App also has a turn by turn parking navigation tool
  • Questions
    • Does the app show what the cost of parking will be at the destination?
      • Not yet

Wrap Up

  • Jacob (Omaha) closed the meeting out and described all the ways people can get involved with CDS


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