nvmkv-ruby is binding library for Ruby programming language. This library provides the access to NVMKV library in OpenNVM.
nvmkv-ruby requires NVMKV library. nvmkv-ruby-0.1 is tested with NVMKV v1.0.0 which can be obtained from http://opennvm.github.io.
Before installing nvmkv-ruby, you should install softwares below.
- ioMemory VSL 3.3.3 (for Fusion-io devices)
- NVMKV library v1.0.0
You would want to get Ruby 1.9.3 from Red Hat Software Collections (SCL).
# Install Ruby 1.9.3 from SCL
cd /etc/yum.repos.d/
wget http://people.redhat.com/bkabrda/scl_ruby193.repo
yum install ruby193-ruby
yum install ruby193-ruby-devel
yum install ruby193-rubygem-rake
# Update gem, Install rake on Ruby 1.9.3 environment
scl enable ruby193 bash # You will have the child shell
ruby -v # => ruby 1.9.3pXXX ....
gem update --system
gem install rake-compiler
gem install rake
# Install NVMKV bindings onto Ruby 1.9.3 environment
cd /path/to/nvmkv-ruby
rake gem
gem install --local pkg/ruby-nvmkv-0.1-x86_64-linux.gem
exit # leave from the child shell
# Load NVMKV
require 'nvmkv'
include NVMKV
# Create (or open) NVMKV store on /dev/fioa
store = NVMKVStore.new
# Clear any data on the store
# Create a pool tagged 'hello'
pool = store.new_pool('hello')
pool.put('ruby', 'hello world')
p pool.get('ruby').value # => 'hello world'
To run this script on Ruby 1.9.3 environment:
# ruby193-ruby test.rb
"hello world"
nvmkv-ruby unlocks Giant VM Lock (aka GVL). Applications can get optimal performance by concurrent NVMKV accesss, if (1) running Ruby 1.9 or later, (2) Ruby is configured with libpthread, and (3) Ruby script run concurrently using threads.
- OpenNVM Project http://opennvm.github.io/
- NVMKV API http://opennvm.github.io/nvmkv-documents/
nvmkv-ruby is available for use under the following license, commonly known as the 3-clause (or "modified") BSD license.