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Flow for the Translators

Andre Bernet edited this page Jun 16, 2018 · 15 revisions

The following instructions describe how to set up an environment on a Windows platform in order to translate Companion.

Note: You might want to also refer to the more general git usage guide: And the build instructions to test your changes:

How to setup a Git flow

Installation of Git tools.

If you already know Git and all its related actions, you may skip this section.

The first step is to install SourceTree in order to clone/branch/commit/etc... your modifications. This Git GUI is available for MAC and WINDOWS users: Download SourceTree

You must be register on GitHub to be able to commit your work:

Cloning OpenTX

Follow the steps below:

  1. Click on the Clone/New button.
  2. Select the Git project:
  3. Select the destination folder (about 220MB).
  4. Give a bookmark name. In this example OpenTX
  5. Launch the cloning procedure.

How to Clone

If everything went fine, you should get this screen. Cloning result

Creating your branch

First step is to ensure that your local copy is up-to-date. Pull all modifications from Git:

Cloning result

Then, checkout the next branch (shortcut Shift+Ctrl+U):

Cloning result

  1. Select origin/next.
  2. Click on the OK button.

Cloning result

Now, the following rules must be observed to commit in the OpenTX project.

  1. Create a branch.
  2. When the modifications are done, push your branch in GitHub.
  3. Create a pull request on GitHub. This last step will run some checkers (in order to verify nothing is broken), then a developer will accept the modifications request.

To create the branch, you must click on the Branch button (shortcut Shift+Ctrl+B):

Cloning result

The rule is [Git Name]/[Issue].

My registered Git name is LapinFou and I'm working on the French translation, so my branch will be:


Cloning result

From this point, be sure to work in your local branch. SourceTree will give you the confirmation:

Cloning result

From now, all the modifications you are doing can be safely Commit and Push in GitHub. This can be handy if you are working from 2 places (at work during your break and at home).

Updating translation

First be sure to have all the steps below checked:

  • Registered on GitHub.
  • Checked out the next branch.
  • Created your own branch.

Installation of Qt Linguist

The most complex part is done.

Before translating, you need to download Qt Linguist.

A standalone 5.7.1 version is available here: Qt Linguist tool for translators

Unzip the archive where you want.

In my case I installed it in the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Qt Linguist and associated .ts files with Qt Linguist.

Generating an up-to-date .ts file

The 1st step is to update the .ts file using the lupdate.exe command. You must open a Windows command shell (shortcut Win+R, then type cmd).

The command is:

</path/to/QtLinguist>lupdate.exe </path/to/code> -no-obsolete -ts </path/to/file.ts>

In my case (French translation), it will be:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Qt Linguist\lupdate.exe" C:\Users\scharpen\Documents\github\opentx -no-obsolete -ts C:\Users\scharpen\Documents\github\opentx\companion\src\translations\companion_fr.ts

companion_fr.ts must be replaced with the language you want translate:

File Name Language
companion_cs.ts Czech
companion_de.ts German
companion_es.ts Spanish
companion_fi.ts Finnish
companion_fr.ts French
companion_he.ts Hebrew
companion_it.ts Italian
companion_nl.ts Dutch
companion_pl.ts Polish
companion_pt.ts Portuguese
companion_ru.ts Russian
companion_sv.ts Swedish
companion_zh_CN.ts Chinese

In order to automate the translation process, you can create a .bat file.

In my case, I created a UpdateTs.bat batch file which included the full command:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Qt Linguist\lupdate.exe" C:\Users\scharpen\Documents\github\opentx -no-obsolete -ts C:\Users\scharpen\Documents\github\opentx\companion\src\translations\companion_fr.ts

Note the pause command. If you double-click on the UpdateTs.bat file, the Windows command line will open and stay open until you hit a key. If you don't add the pause command, the windows will close right after being executed.

Using Qt Linguist

The updated .ts file can now be modified. Its path is:


Cloning result

Opened the .ts file corresponding to the language you wish to translate.

Here is a quick overview of Qt Linguist:

  1. Buttons to navigate through the fields which must be translated.
  2. The current string to translate.
  3. The source string (always in English).
  4. Sometimes, the developers can add a comment to warn the translator. It can be for special string which are used in Companion and the radio firmware itself. It can also be used to explain the context where this string is used.
  5. Qt Linguist can propose a translation based on the strings already translated.

Cloning result

The nice thing about Qt Linguist is that it will display the Companion's windows on the top right window. Very useful for the translator to understand the context of the translation.

Basic explanation how Qt Linguist does work:

Cloning result

Red → Used to move to the previous/next item.

Green → Used to move to the previous/next unfinished item. "Unfinished" means "not translated" or "translated, but not validated".

Blue → Validate the translation, then move to the next unfinished item.

When the translation job is done, then you should get something like that:

Cloning result

Note: the item can be sometimes highlighted in orange. This is probably because the translated string doesn't have the same end punctuation. Check if it is correct or not.

Pushing your modifications

Commit and Push

With SourceTree, you must commit yours modifications in your local branch, then push your branch in GitHub.

  1. Be sure to select the right project.
  2. Click on File Status.
  3. The list of the modified files will be displayed.

Cloning result

  1. Selected the modified files you want to commit, then click on Stage Selected. At this point you are creating a list of files you want to commit. In the blue rectangle, you can selected the desired filter to help you in this process (useful to display Untracked files). By default, only the Modified filter is active.
  2. This is the list of files you want to commit.
  3. Enter a meaningful explanation of the job you have done.
  4. Click on this button to Commit yours modifications.

Cloning result

Click on the Push button. A windows will show up.

Tick the case shown by the red arrow.

Cloning result

  1. SourceTree will fill-up the required field for you.
  2. Click on the Push button.

Cloning result

You should get this result:

Cloning result

Create a pull request on GitHub

Now go on the OpenTX GitHub

You should see something similar to the image below. Click on the Compare & pull request button.

Cloning result

  1. Check the title of your Pull Request.
  2. Leave a comment.
  3. You can check the differences between the original version and your version.
  4. Click on the Create pull request button.

Cloning result

Now, your are done. automate checkers will verify than your modifications can be merged with the next branch. The final step is done by a developer. Only the developer can accept and merge your modifications.


The OpenTX team thank you for your translation.

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