Neural networks for amino acid sequences
Sequence and model construction can both be handled for you by pepnet's
from pepnet import Predictor, SequenceInput, NumericInput, Output
predictor = Predictor(
SequenceInput(length=4, name="x1", variable_length=True),
NumericInput(dim=30, name="x2")],
outputs=[Output(name="y", dim=1, activation="sigmoid")],
sequences = ["ACAD", "ACAA", "ACA"]
vectors = np.random.normal(10, 100, (3, 30))
y = numpy.array([0, 1, 0]){"x1": sequences, "x2": vectors}, y)
y_pred = predictor.predict({"x1": sequences, "x2": vectors})["y"]
This model takes an amino acid sequence (of up to length 50) and applies to it two layers of 9mer convolution with 3x maxpooling and 2x downsampling in between. The second layer's activations are then pooled across all sequence positions (using both mean and max pooling) and passed to a single dense output node called "y".
peptide =
predictor = Predictor(
length=50, name="peptide", encoding="index", variable_length=True,
outputs=[Output(name="y", dim=1, activation="sigmoid")])
Represent every amino acid with a number between 1-21 (0 is reserved for padding)
from pepnet.encoder import Encoder
encoder = Encoder()
X_index = encoder.encode_index_array(["SYF", "GLYCI"], max_peptide_length=9)
Represent every amino acid with a binary vector where only one entry is 1 and the rest are 0.
from pepnet.encoder import Encoder
encoder = Encoder()
X_binary = encoder.encode_onehot(["SYF", "GLYCI"], max_peptide_length=9)
Implementation of FOFE encoding from A Fixed-Size Encoding Method for Variable-Length Sequences with its Application to Neural Network Language Models
from pepnet.encoder import Encoder
encoder = Encoder()
X_binary = encoder.encode_FOFE(["SYF", "GLYCI"], bidirectional=True)