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Releases: openyurtio/openyurt


24 Apr 00:57
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What's Changed

  • fix: edgex component creation cause registration errors and core-command crash by @LavenderQAQ in #2030

Full Changelog: v1.4.3...v1.4.4


10 Apr 08:14
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What's Changed

  • [Backport release-v1.4] fix only openyurt crd conversion should be handled for upgrading cert by @github-actions in #2014

Full Changelog: v1.4.2...v1.4.3


28 Mar 03:54
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What's Changed

  • [Backport release-v1.4] fix: yurtadm join can't work when kubernetes version large than v1.27.0 by @github-actions in #1998

Full Changelog: v1.4.1...v1.4.2


20 Feb 11:34
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What's Changed

  • [Backport release-v1.4] fix cache manager panic in yurthub by @github-actions in #1951
  • [Backport release-v1.4] fix: yurtadm join ignorePreflightErrors could not set all by @github-actions in #1954
  • [Backport release-v1.4] Feature: add name-length of dummy interface too long error by @github-actions in #1952
  • [Backport release-v1.4] feat: bookmark and error response should be skipped in yurthub filter (#1868) by @github-actions in #1953

Full Changelog: v1.4.0...v1.4.1


08 Nov 02:42
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What's New

Support for HostNetwork Mode NodePool

When the resources of edge nodes are limited and only simple applications need to be run (for instance, situations where container network is not needed and there is no need for communication between applications),
using a HostNetwork mode nodepool is a reasonable choice. When creating a nodepool, users only need to set spec.HostNetwork=true to create a HostNetwork mode nodepool.

In this mode, only some essential components such as kubelet, yurthub and raven-agent will be installed on all nodes in the pool. In addition, Pods scheduled on these nodes will automatically adopt host network mode.
This method effectively reduces resource consumption while maintaining application performance efficiency.

Support for customized configuration at the nodepool level for multi-region workloads

YurtAppOverrider is a new CRD used to customize the configuration of the workloads managed by YurtAppSet/YurtAppDaemon. It provides a simple and straightforward way to configure every field of the workload under each nodepool.
It is fundamental component of multi-region workloads configuration rendering engine.

Support for building edgex iot systems by using PlatformAdmin

PlatformAdmin is a CRD that manages the IoT systems in the OpenYurt nodepool. It has evolved from the previous yurt-edgex-manager. Starting from this version, the functionality of yurt-edgex-controller has been merged into yurt-manager. This means that users no longer need to deploy any additional components; they only need to install yurt-manager to have all the capabilities for managing edge devices.

PlatformAdmin allows users with a user-friendly way to deploy a complete edgex system on nodepool. It comes with an optional component library and configuration templates. Advanced users can also customize the configuration of this system according to their needs.

Currently, PlatformAdmin supports all versions of EdgeX from Hanoi to Minnesota. In the future, it will continue to rapidly support upcoming releases using the auto-collector feature. This ensures that PlatformAdmin remains compatible with the latest versions of EdgeX as they are released.

Supports yurt-iot-dock deployment as an iot system component

yurt-iot-dock is a component responsible for managing edge devices in IoT system. It has evolved from the previous yurt-device-controller. As a component that connects the cloud and edge device management platforms, yurt-iot-dock abstracts three CRDs: DeviceProfile, DeviceService, and Device. These CRDs are used to represent and manage corresponding resources on the device management platform, thereby impacting real-world devices.

By declaratively modifying the fields of these CRs, users can achieve the operational and management goals of complex edge devices in a cloud-native manner. yurt-iot-dock is deployed by PlatformAdmin as an optional IoT component. It is responsible for device synchronization during startup and severs the synchronization relationship when being terminated or destroyed.

In this version, the deployment and destruction of the yurt-iot-dock are all controlled by PlatformAdmin, which improves the ease of use of the yurt-iot-dock.

Some Repos are archived

With the upgrading of OpenYurt architecture, the functions of quite a few components are merged into Yurt-Manager (e.g. yurt-app-manager, raven-controller-manager, etc.),
or there are repos migrated to openyurt for better management (e.g. yurtiotdock). The following repos have been archived:

Other Notable changes




Thank you to everyone who contributed to this release!

And thank you very much to everyone else not listed here who contributed in other ways like filing issues,
giving feedback, ...

Read more


12 Jul 06:27
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What's Changed

  • [Backport release-v1.2] change access permission to default in general. by @github-actions in #1583
  • backport: feat: add yurtadm binaries release workflow by @rambohe-ch in #1601

Full Changelog: v1.2.1...v1.2.2


12 Jul 02:40
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.1.0...v1.1.1


12 Jul 01:47
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.0.1...v1.0.2


07 Jul 06:46
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What's Changed

  • [Backport release-v1.3] improve yurtstaticset template metadata by @github-actions in #1591

Full Changelog: v1.3.3...v1.3.4


04 Jul 09:13
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What's Changed

  • [Backport release-v1.3] change access permission to default in general. by @github-actions in #1584
  • [Backport release-v1.3] feat: add yurtadm binaries release workflow by @github-actions in #1586

Full Changelog: v1.3.2...v1.3.3