zkEthscription: Ethscription Indexer with ZK
A Ethscription indexer to access and preview Ethscription token from Ethereum.
Built using HyperOracle, a programmable zkOracle protocol.
Test zkEthscription locally by these steps:
npm install
cp zkgraph.config.example.js zkgraph.config.js
vim zkgraph.config.js # fill private key
npm run compile && npm run exec -- 4940316
npm run collectImage -- '00bc614e...'
Then the images in the event of zkEthscription are saved to the build
- src - Core logic of zkEthscriptions.
- builds - Compiled WASM Binary file and Images.
- scripts - Scripts for handling events, converting contentURL to hexadecimal and saving it as an image.
- Index Ethscription assets with verifiable zk proof
- Map Ethscriptions assets to other networks trustlessly