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Current Metrics

Shannon Weyrick edited this page Feb 3, 2022 · 9 revisions

Last updated: 2/2/2022

DHCP (3.3.0+)

  • Successful lease rate
  • DORA packet counts
  • Top DHCP server IPs answering discovers

L2/L3 Network


  • Count of UDP packets
  • Count of TCP packets
  • Count of packets which are not UDP or TCP
  • Count of IPv4 packets
  • Count of IPv6 packets
  • Count of total ingress packets
  • Count of total egress packets
  • Count of total packets processed
  • Count of total packets that were sampled for deep inspection


  • Rate of ingress in packets per second
  • Rate of egress in packets per second
  • Rate of all packets (combined ingress and egress) in packets per second


  • Source IP cardinality
  • Destination IP cardinality

Top 10

  • Top GeoIP locations
  • Top ASNs by IP
  • Top IPv4 IP addresses
  • Top IPv6 IP addresses
  • (3.3.0+) Top MAC addresses



  • Total DNS wire packets flagged as query (ingress and egress)
  • Total DNS wire packets flagged as reply (ingress and egress)
  • Total DNS wire packets received over UDP (ingress and egress)
  • Total DNS wire packets received over TCP (ingress and egress)
  • Total DNS wire packets received over IPv4 (ingress and egress)
  • Total DNS wire packets received over IPv6 (ingress and egress)
  • Total DNS wire packets flagged as reply with return code NXDOMAIN (ingress and egress)
  • Total DNS wire packets flagged as reply with return code REFUSED (ingress and egress)
  • Total DNS wire packets flagged as reply with return code SRVFAIL (ingress and egress)
  • Total DNS wire packets flagged as reply with return code NOERROR (ingress and egress)
  • Total DNS wire packets
  • Total DNS wire packets that were sampled for deep inspection
  • (4.0.0+) Total DNS wire packets received over DNS over TLS
  • (4.0.0+) Total DNS wire packets received over DNS over HTTPS


  • Cardinality of unique QNAMES, both ingress and egress


  • Rate of all DNS wire packets (combined ingress and egress) per second

Transactions (Query/Reply pairs)

  • Total DNS transactions (query/reply pairs)
  • Total ingress DNS transactions (host is server)
  • Total egress DNS transactions (host is client)
  • Total number of DNS transactions that timed out
  • Quantiles of transaction timing (query/reply pairs) when host is client, in microseconds
  • Quantiles of transaction timing (query/reply pairs) when host is server, in microseconds
  • Top QNAMES in transactions where host is the server and transaction speed is slower than p90
  • Top QNAMES in transactions where host is the client and transaction speed is slower than p90

Top 10

  • Top QNAMES, aggregated at a depth of two labels
  • Top QNAMES, aggregated at a depth of three labels
  • Top QNAMES with result code NXDOMAIN
  • Top QNAMES with result code REFUSED
  • Top QNAMES with result code SRVFAIL
  • Top UDP source port on the query side of a transaction
  • Top query types
  • Top result codes