Gamma is a personal Orbs blockchain that allows developers to easily test, run and deploy smart contracts.
Gamma server
- runs an in-memory virtual chain on top of an Orbs blockchain with several nodes on your local machine.
- command line tool for developers to interact with a Gamma server instance running on their machine.
The detailed documentation website for Gamma is available here:
- Make sure brew is available on your machine.
- Make sure Docker is installed on your machine.
- If you're planning to develop your own smart contracts in Go
- Install Go language
- Install the Orbs Smart Contract SDK
To install the command line tool, run the following command in terminal:
brew install orbs-network/devtools/gamma-cli
To verify the installation, run in terminal
gamma-cli version
Gamma server will automatically be installed the first time you start it with
gamma-cli start-local
- Start Gamma server by running in terminal:
gamma-cli start-local
- When finished working with the server, stop it by running in terminal:
gamma-cli stop-local
Note: The local blockchain instance is running in-memory. The next time you start the instance, all contracts and state will disappear from memory and you will need to deploy them again.
- Make sure Docker is installed on your machine.
- If you're planning to develop your own smart contracts in Go
- Install Go language
- Install the Orbs Smart Contract SDK
- Download latest version of Gamma from releases
- Extract the archive to
Program Files
- Edit
settings of PowerShell- Create a file:
C:\Users\<Your User>\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1
or edit it. - Add the following content:
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope CurrentUser New-Alias gamma-cli 'C:\Program Files\gammacli-windows-v0.7.0\_bin\gamma-cli.exe'
- Create a file:
- Verify the installation: open PowerShell and run
gamma-cli version
. You should see the current version, e.g.v0.7.0
- Start Gamma server by running in terminal:
gamma-cli start-local
- When finished working with the server, stop it by running in terminal:
gamma-cli stop-local
Note: The local blockchain instance is running in-memory. The next time you start the instance, all contracts and state will disappear from memory and you will need to deploy them again.
start-local start a local Orbs personal blockchain instance listening on port
options: -port <PORT>
example: gamma-cli start-local -port 8080
stop-local stop a locally running Orbs personal blockchain instance
gen-test-keys generate a new batch of 10 test keys and store in orbs-test-keys.json (default filename)
options: -keys [OUTPUT_FILE]
example: gamma-cli gen-test-keys -keys orbs-test-keys.json
deploy deploy a smart contract with the code specified in the source file <CODE_FILE>
options: <CODE_FILE> -name [CONTRACT_NAME] -signer [ID_FROM_KEYS_JSON]
example: gamma-cli deploy MyToken.go -signer user1
gamma-cli deploy contract.go -name MyToken
send-tx sign and send the transaction specified in the JSON file <INPUT_FILE>
options: <INPUT_FILE> -arg# [OVERRIDE_ARG_#] -signer [ID_FROM_KEYS_JSON]
example: gamma-cli send-tx transfer.json -signer user1
gamma-cli send-tx transfer.json -arg2 0x5B63Ca66637316A0D7f84Ebf60E50963c10059aD
run-query read state or run a read-only contract method as specified in the JSON file <INPUT_FILE>
options: <INPUT_FILE> -arg# [OVERRIDE_ARG_#] -signer [ID_FROM_KEYS_JSON]
example: gamma-cli run-query get-balance.json -signer user1
gamma-cli run-query get-balance.json -arg1 0x5B63Ca66637316A0D7f84Ebf60E50963c10059aD
tx-status get the current status of a sent transaction with txid <TX_ID> (from send-tx response)
options: <TX_ID>
example: gamma-cli tx-status 0xB68fa95B7f397815Ddf41150d79b27a888448a22e08DeAf8600E7a495c406303659f8C3782614660
tx-proof get cryptographic proof for transaction receipt with txid <TX_ID> (from send-tx response)
options: <TX_ID>
example: gamma-cli tx-proof 0xB68fa95B7f397815Ddf41150d79b27a888448a22e08DeAf8600E7a495c406303659f8C3782614660
upgrade-server upgrade to the latest stable version of Gamma server
example: gamma-cli upgrade-server
gamma-cli upgrade-server -env experimental
logs streams logs from gamma that are printed by smart contract to stdout (i.e. println())
version print gamma-cli and Gamma server versions
help print this help screen
-config string
path to config file (default "orbs-gamma-config.json")
-env string
environment from config file containing server connection details (default "local")
-keys string
name of the json file containing test keys (default "orbs-test-keys.json")
-name string
name of the smart contract being deployed
-port int
listening port for Gamma server (default "8080")
-signer string
id of the signing key from the test key json (default "user1")
wait until Gamma server is ready and listening
Multiple environments (eg. local and testnet) can be defined in orbs-gamma-config.json configuration file.
See for more info.
Upgrade to the latest version of
by running in terminal:brew upgrade gamma-cli
Upgrade to the latest version of Gamma server by running in terminal:
gamma-cli upgrade-server
Upgrade to the latest dev version of
by running in terminal:brew upgrade gamma-cli --devel
Upgrade to the latest dev version of Gamma server by running in terminal:
gamma-cli upgrade-server -env experimental
Start the experimental Gamma server by running in terminal:
gamma-cli start-local -env experimental
In order to investigate backend issues in Gamma server itself, gain access to the server logs of the currently running instance by running in terminal:
docker logs -f orbs-gamma-server
Instead of deploying contracts and sending transactions using gamma-cli
, you can also use any of the client SDKs (like JavaScript Client SDK, Go Client SDK) to communicate with Gamma server.
Start Gamma server on some port (eg. 8080), and then use the following endpoint in the client SDK:
Provide the client SDK with virtual chain ID of 42
as this is the pre-defined ID of the virtual chain running inside Gamma server. You can usually see a working example in the E2E test of each client SDK.
Instead of installing Gamma server using gamma-cli
, you can also install Gamma server directly from Docker Hub. This is particularly useful when running on CI:
docker pull orbsnetwork/gamma:v1.3.12 # specific version
docker pull orbsnetwork/gamma # latest stable version
docker pull orbsnetwork/gamma:experimental # latest experimental version