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Reda Ermich ermix3
🌟 Full stack web developer specializing in mostly JAVA & PHP


Κakia Chatsiou kakiac
Lecturer in Computing, University of Suffolk

University of Suffolk

Brian Waweru briann-waweru
Am a passionate software developer with expertise in Java, the Spring and Spring Boot frameworks, CSS, HTML, JavaScript, SQL, PostgreSQL, Git, and Linux.


Amber AM2037
TXST alum | ML | Drip | Flow arts ✨
Jetkin cagdasyetkin
Python, SQL, Apache Spark, R, Typescript, JS

Budapest Hungary

Evan Lindsay evanrobert
Java/Spring Developer, CSM certified

Maple Valley, WA

BhattacharyaCodes BhattcharyaCodes
QA with 7+ years experience in Full-stack Automation, Manual Testing. Passionate to learn new technologies. <3 & looking out to do Open Source contrib

Walmart Global Tech Bengaluru

Wassie AmanuelWassie
I am grateful, no regrets!

Virginia, Usa

Anthony Antho108
Learning python

Coding nomads

Dan DNC91

BASESIS Argentina

AbdulMuhaimin AbdulMuhaimin-1
Learner, Full Stack Developer.
Suraj Sutar SurajSutar96
I am inspiring Data Scientist.
Greg Tasev gritasev
Standard Nerd

Home NY

CodingNomads Dev rdesmond
With consistent mentor support, we make learning to code achievable, affordable and fun with Java and Python courses online, & onsite around the world.

CodingNomads San Francisco, CA

Symon Kipkemei symonkipkemei
BIM Software Engineer | Revit API, Plugin, and Add-in Developer | Architect

Integrated Projects Nairobi