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Ansarul Haq AnsarulHaq786
I love exploring the mysteries of science that people created with the guidance of God, both before and now that I am born.

Des vu technologies Bijaypur-26, Pokhara

Niruta Poudel nirutapoudel
Learner, Developer

Pokhara, Nepal

Nabin Kandel nabinkdl
I’m interested in problem solving 🌱


Shusal Lamsal shushal19
👋 Hello World! I'm Shusal Lamsal, an enthusiastic coder venturing into the realms of technology. 💻 Always eager to learn and contribute to open source project

Salos Pokhara

Nishant Pokhrel i-maple
Flutter Developer


Md Jiyaul Haq MdJiyaulHaq
Full Stack Developer.

oceanwp Pokhara

shankar shankarkharel
Native and Cross-platform Application Developer .

Dès Vu Technologies Pokhara, Bijayapur-26