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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Erick Wainaina Erick-WG
Front End specialist | I love working with python and JavaScript technologies || Software Engineer || Studied at PLP 😆😂

@Ad-Astra-Innovia Nairobi, Kenya

john.xlm JFWooten4
A free market for the stocks 🌌
Rohit Jain Rohit19060
Building Desktop, Web & Mobile Projects, & gain a lot of expertise in them. I enjoy indulging my creative side in UI/UX. Eager to work on innovative solutions.

Rajgarh, Rajasthan, INDIA

Jesus Tamba Juses24
💻 Eng. @vanaciprime | Penetration Tester

@VanaciPrime Portugal

Cogito Ergo Sum standardgalactic
   Standard Galactic Alphabet

Xanadu Canada

anaymous mpa-mxiang
Development - ReactJS | Python Looking for new opportunities:D

Waterloo, ON

Shannon shannonmatloob

@Neat-Strategies Los Angeles, CA

Kedasha Kerr LadyKerr
Developer Advocate @github and Technical Content Creator 🎥 Catch my next video on IG @itsthatladydev

Developer Advocate Chicago, IL

Catalin George Festila catafest-work
1976, work place account ...


Jada Townsend Jada-Cherie
Software Developer @ Resilient Coders | Skilled inJavascript, Node.js, CSS, React and HTML.

Resilient Coders Philadelphia,PA

Elizabeth M ElizabethM91
Data Analyst | Mum | Gamer
Armando de Souza armando-desouza
Data Science Student at the Universidade do Vale do Itajaí (UNIVALI)

Arma Corp Santa Catarina

Jaishree Singh Jaishree2310
Software Developer Intern | GSSOC'24 PA | Frontend Developer | JavaScript | Next JS | React JS | Redux | Headless CMS | Strapi | Typescript Mumbai, Maharashtra

Carmeshia L Meshia13
Software Engineer