This is a console to go with the Dualshock 3 clone. It uses FreeRTOS to power it.
The console uses a bluetooth module to connect to the controllers. It has 2 8x8 Red-Green LED matrixes for output. The matrices are driven by 4 shift registers.
The console is currently able to accept 2 controllers. The first controller is the DUALSHOCK3 clone. The second controller is a SNES controller because making a second DS3 would be expensive.
The console takes ATMEGA1284s as game cartridges.
See the Google Doc for more details.
- ATMEGA1284
- Bluetooth module: HC-05.
- Shift Registers: SN74HC595N
- 8x8 LED matrix: 1588ASRG
For wiring see the pictures in the Google Doc.
This has the main function and core logic. The state machines here drive the matrix and handle all communications. Games should not be made using this code as a base. Instead use the Game Cartridge API.
Binary manipulation helper functions
LED matrix Driver
SNES controller driver
ATMEGA1284 USART driver
- croutine.c
- heap_1.c
- list.c
- port.c
- queue.c
- tasks.c
- timer.h
- timers.c