Command line utility that allows a user to interpolate missing values in a two-dimensional matrix from a csv file
To install and run the utility the only requirement is python 3 (or newer)
Copy the archive interpolate.tgz into a
and then install the
utility using pip
as shown below
cd <working_dir>
pip install interpolate.tgz
make sure that you can see the below message as confirmation of a successful install
Successfully installed interpolate-0.0.1
Once installed, the utility will be available as a command line executable similar to any other OS command.
Copy an appropriate input file in your
and run the utility against
it. Usage example:
cd <working_dir>
interpolate input_test_data.csv
The output will be created in the same
with the name
and the utility
will also print a "success" message to
stdout as below
Successfully created file <file_name> under <working_dir>
To uninstall the utility just run
pip uninstall interpolate
To develop and contribute to the utility, besides the python 3 interpreter, you will need some additional modules installed. The list of required packages can be found in the requirements_dev.txt file.
To install the dev packages one can unpack the interpolate archive and then run
cd <working_dir>
tar -xzvf interpolate.tgz
cd interpolate
pip install -r requirements_dev.txt
the packages installed are required to
- create new versions of the interpolate package
- run the tests
To install this software in development mode you can simply issue
cd <project_root> # where is
pip install -e .
The -e
(editable) mode will allow you to modify
the utility and see the changes reflected in the
installed package without having to re-run pip install
Once installed in editable mode, you can start developing straight away.
The utility comes with some basic tests to help avoid regressions while adding new features. These tests are of two types
- PEP8 linting
- unit/functional tests
Functional tests can be found under the
PLEASE NOTE: the below commands requires you to have installed the requirements_dev.txt as mentioned in the previous section
To run all tests
cd <project_root> # where is
To run your linting tests only
tox -e flake8
To run all your unit/functional tests
tox -e unit_tests
To speed up testing while developing,
one can also run a single test using
py.test <path_to_test_file>
as shows below
py.test tests/models/