Fedora (Testing Repo - Legacy):
This project contains a library and a command-line client that allows you to access the management interface for messaging brokers such as Apache ActiveMQ, Apache Artemis, JBoss A-MQ 6 and JBoss A-MQ 7.
This is a work in progress.
How does it look like?
Here's a sample screenshot of one of its feature, a top-like view of ActiveMQ Artemis 2.4 broker.
The code can be installed via Fedora COPR. Packages are available for CentOS 6, 7, Fedora 25 or greater and RHEL 6 and 7. For CentOS 6 and RHEL 6, please use the legacy repos (check the notes below).
- Enable my testing COPR.
dnf copr enable orpiske/orp-tools-testing
Install the runtime only:
dnf install -y bmic
(Alternative) Install the development packages:
dnf install -y bmic bmic-devel bmic-devel-doc
Note: the testing packages are the recommended packages for this project.
Note: for RHEL 6 or CentOS 6, use the orp-tools-testing-legacy repository.
- Enable my testing COPR.
dnf copr enable orpiske/orpiske/orp-tools-stable
Install the runtime only:
dnf install -y bmic
(Alternative) Install the development packages:
dnf install -y bmic bmic-devel bmic-devel-doc
Note: at the moment, they are outdated and do not support latest versions of Apache Artemis.
Does not fully support clusters. Commands may need to be send to each individual node on the cluster.
It is also necessary to pay attention providing correct permissions to the users accessing the console. Due to the ever-changing management APIs, support for newer versions of the brokers is likely to be broken or limited for some time.
bmic discovery -u admin -p admin -s localhost
The product name is artemis
The API version is artemis
The product version is: 2.0.0.amq-70000
Listing queues:
bmic queue -l -u admin -p admin -s localhost
Queue name: jms.queue.jms.queue.cli2.test.notcore
Queue name: jms.queue.DLQ
Queue name: jms.queue.ExpiryQueue
Queue name: test.performance.queue
Queue name: jms.queue.cli1.test.notcore
Queue name: jms.queue.cli2.test.notcore
Creating queues:
./bmic queue -c -n new.queue -u admin -p admin -s localhost
Deleting queues:
./bmic queue -d -n new.queue -u admin -p admin -s localhost
Purging queues:
./bmic queue -n new.queue -u admin -p admin -s localhost --purge
Displaying Core Capabilities:
bmic capabilities --read-all -u admin -p admin -s localhost
Capability Value
ManagementAddress activemq.management
ConnectorServices (null)
JournalMinFiles 2
Clustered true
FailoverOnServerShutdown false
JournalCompactMinFiles 10
PersistDeliveryCountBeforeDelivery false
MessageExpiryThreadPriority 3
ConnectionTTLOverride -1
PersistenceEnabled true
JournalCompactPercentage 30
CreateBindingsDir true
ConnectionCount 7
Version 2.0.0.amq-700008-redhat-1
JournalDirectory ./data/journal
UptimeMillis 2090485954
ManagementNotificationAddress activemq.notifications
DivertNames (null)
JournalSyncNonTransactional true
TotalConnectionCount 13
SharedStore false
PagingDirectory ./data/paging
LargeMessagesDirectory ./data/large-messages
JournalBufferSize 501760
SecurityInvalidationInterval 10000
MessageCounterSamplePeriod 10000
TotalMessagesAdded 143
TotalConsumerCount 2
BridgeNames (null)
WildcardRoutingEnabled true
PersistIDCache true
AsyncConnectionExecutionEnabled true
Started true
TotalMessageCount 135
CreateJournalDir true
GlobalMaxSize 104857600
Backup false
TotalMessagesAcknowledged 16
JournalBufferTimeout 1596000
MaxDiskUsage 90
IncomingInterceptorClassNames (null)
ReplicaSync Error 500: java.lang.IllegalStateException : AMQ119118: Management method not applicable for current server configuration
NodeID 1891f897-5029-11e7-a9d4-fa163ef2de3e
ConnectorsAsJSON [{"name":"artemis","factoryClassName":"org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.remoting.impl.netty.NettyConnectorFactory","params":{"port":"61616","host":""},"extraProps":{}}]
JournalFileSize 10485760
TransactionTimeout 300000
MessageCounterEnabled false
OutgoingInterceptorClassNames (null)
DiskScanPeriod 5000
IDCacheSize 20000
Uptime 24 days 4 hours
JournalSyncTransactional true
ScheduledThreadPoolMaxSize 5
TransactionTimeoutScanPeriod 1000
SecurityEnabled true
BindingsDirectory ./data/bindings
JournalMaxIO 500
MessageExpiryScanPeriod 30000
MessageCounterMaxDayCount 10
JournalType ASY
You can also read individual capabilities/attributes:
./bmic capabilities -r LargeMessagesDirectory -u admin -p admin -s localhost
Capability Value
LargeMessagesDirectory ./data/large-messages
From queues too:
bmic queue -r -a MessageCount -n test.performance.queue -u admin -p admin -s localhost
MessageCount 14
The code is licensed under Apache License v2